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Home > Categories > Food > Sauces and Condiments > Rings Around Uranus (low gluten) review

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Score: 8.5/10  [1 review]
3 out of 5
ProdID: 4550 - Rings Around Uranus (low gluten)
Produced by Sids Sauce

Rings Around Uranus (low gluten)
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Disclosure StatementFULL DISCLOSURE: A number of units of this product have, at some time, been provided to KIWIreviews by Sid's Sauce or their agents for the sole purposes of unbiased, independent reviews. No fee was requested, offered nor accepted by KIWIreviews or the reviewers themselves - these are genuine, unpaid consumer reviews.
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Rings Around Uranus (low gluten) product reviews

Proud to promote NZ productsThis is as hot as it can be before flavour loss starts. Flavour is the Sids Sauce priority.

    •  Delicious in casseroles, stews & hotpots. Great as a BBQ marinade, baste (mop) or table sauce. Sprinkle over grated cheese on toast then grill.
    •  Makes a wonderful base for a Bolognaise. Use instead of tomato paste on pizza bases.
    •  Put a few drops on poached & fried eggs.
    •  Excites a Shepherd's Pie and makes the best 'Bloody Mary' in town!

    •  Low Sodium - 249 mg/100g
    •  There is no fat, animal products, fish products or nuts.
    •  Low Gluten - made with malt vinegar and isalmost a Low Sugar sauce.
    •  Unlimited shelf life - actually improves with age and requires no refrigeration!

Check out Sid's Sauce onlineClick here to see all the listings for Sid's Sauce Visit their website They do not have a Twitter account Check them out on Facebook They do not have a YouTube Channel They do not have a Pinterest board They do not have an Instagram channel They do not have a TikTok channel

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Review by: tessak (Tess)
Dated: 8th of August, 2013

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This Review: 8.5/10
Score 9 out of 10
Value for Money:
Score 9 out of 10
Number of Uses:
Score 8 out of 10
Personal Choice:
Score 8 out of 10

When given a selection of Sid's Sauce products to choose from I immediately put my hand up for the rings around uranus sauce as the name speaks for itself and my family are all lovers of hot foods. When it arrived I was amused by the blue label as to me blue is a cold/cool colour and I was pretty sure that this was not going to be a mild sauce. The other thing I noticed was that the label said: rings around uranus, a splash of flavour. But it does not indicate what kind of sauce it actually is.

That aside my husband and brother were both willing to try it out right away. My brother is not as daring as my husband and was not willing to try it on its own, but hubby did, and I am assuming by the funky chicken dancing, and mad dash outside that this is infact a rather hot sauce lol But hubby was not to be deterred and he happily poured, yes poured, the sauce onto his lamb sandwhich. Three sandwhiches later he confessed that yes it was a very hot sauce.

My brother just used it sparingly on his sandwhich but said it provided a nice but not to strong flavoursome kick to his sandwhich that he really enjoyed. So the label was right on this one, it really does add a splash of flavour :)

This sauce is most definitely not for the faint hearted, and if you do not like serously hot foods then this sauce is not for you.

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