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Home > Categories > Food > Sauces and Condiments > Sids Smokey Garlic Sauce review

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Score: 9.3/10  [1 review]
4 out of 5
ProdID: 3437 - Sids Smokey Garlic Sauce
Produced by Sids Sauce

Sids Smokey Garlic Sauce
$11.50 / 330ml bottle
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Disclosure StatementFULL DISCLOSURE: A number of units of this product have, at some time, been provided to KIWIreviews by Sid's Sauce or their agents for the sole purposes of unbiased, independent reviews. No fee was requested, offered nor accepted by KIWIreviews or the reviewers themselves - these are genuine, unpaid consumer reviews.
via Online Store and selected retail outlets

Sids Smokey Garlic Sauce product reviews

Proud to promote NZ products    •  Great as a BBQ marinade, baste (mop) or table sauce and is a must with Baked Beans, ribs & mussels.
    •  Essential on brisket, stews & casserols and as a marinade on lamb shanks. It is a garlic lovers dream!
    •  No fat, animal products, fish products or nuts.
    •  Low Gluten - made with Malt Vinegar.
    •  Low sodium - 248mg/100g.
    •  Use instead of tomato paste on pizza bases.
    •  Unlimited shelf life - actually improves with age!
    •  Requires no refrigeration.

Check out Sid's Sauce onlineClick here to see all the listings for Sid's Sauce Visit their website They do not have a Twitter account Check them out on Facebook They do not have a YouTube Channel They do not have a Pinterest board They do not have an Instagram channel They do not have a TikTok channel

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Review by: mizim (Miriam)
Dated: 21st of July, 2013

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This Review: 9.3/10
Score 8 out of 10
Value for Money:
Score 10 out of 10
Number of Uses:
Score 10 out of 10
Personal Choice:
Score 9 out of 10

We're fans of garlic in our house and so we were very happy to get to try out the Smokey Garlic sauce. Gave it a little taste before using it. It has a bit of spice to it and a stronger smokey taste than garlic but still has a nice overall taste.
We used this is a rice dish in place of our usual BBQ sauce and whilst I found the smokey taste to be a bit too much my husband really enjoyed it and has since kept using it each time we have had this dish.

We had tofu and vege dumplings and chips for dinner the other day and my husband opted to use this for his sauce, I gave it a try and whilst I found it OK I didn't completely enjoy it, my husband on the other hand used only the Smokey Garlic sauce for both the chips and the dumplings.

As you can tell from my review, my husband loves this sauce. I'm not the biggest fan of it, perhaps I would have enjoyed the other garlic sauce more, so that will be something to try in the future. I found it to have to much of a smokey taste and not enough garlic whilst my husband compared it to TP sauce which he loves.

Using a vegetarian mince for dinner one night I thought that I would put this sauce through it and leave it to marinade in the fridge for a couple of hours before cooking. I found that the 'mince' really soaked up the sauce so when I was frying it I added a little bit more to it just to ensure that the flavour would be there. I added a garlic pasta sauce to it and served on top of pasta, garnished with some grated cheese. I found this gave it a nice taste, a hint of spice, but overall a great taste addition to the meal.

Whilst I myself wouldn't use this often, my husband would and at this price he'd be happy to buy it again.

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