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Home > Categories > Books > Non-Fiction > The New Zealand Wedding Planning Journal review

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Score: 8.5/10  [1 review]
3 out of 5
ProdID: 953 - The New Zealand Wedding Planning Journal
Written by Anon

The New Zealand Wedding Planning Journal
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1st May 2006

The New Zealand Wedding Planning Journal product reviews

All the information you need to plan the perfect wedding. Inside this stylish, wire-bound, hardback folder, you'll find all the information you need on how, where and when to plan your wedding. You'll also find plenty of handy 'survival tactics' for making it to the Big Day with your sanity, bank account and family still intact!

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Review by: diogenes (Rob)
Dated: 8th of May, 2006

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This Review: 8.5/10
Value for Money:
Score 8 out of 10
Interesting Facts:
Score 9 out of 10
Score 9 out of 10
Personal Choice:
Score 8 out of 10

A man's idea of planning any event boils down to remembering to order the beer. Oh, and turn up.
A man's idea of planning a wedding is the same as planning a party - bring beer, turn up; with the added bonus of a buck's party too. Never a thought to the booking of locations, photographers, caterers, hair dressers and so much more. Never a thought as to the time line from proposal to tying the knot. Just turn up at the appointed time, sober, and wearing your suit.

So, when The New Zealand Wedding Planning Journal plopped onto my desk, I just had to read through - because I'm supposed to be getting married next year.
Wow - is there really this much to do?
Should one be planning for over 12 months for the big event?
Does one really need to countdown the tasks every few months?

Apparently so says the anonymous authors - there is much to be done: and here's how...

The book is a spiral bound folder cum book, with each section divider doubling up as a folder in which one can store whatever important information one might need to store somewhere safetly. I guess it could double up as a place to store photographs of the happy-couple-to-be too.
Each section contains both written information and a checklist and spare pages for your own notes, with a healthy serving of hints and tips and there are more sections in the book than I would have ever thought possible - a testament to the planners who put this wedding planning journal together.

The book is designed to help the prospective bride and groom plan the once (hopefully) in a lifetime event with the person of your dreams, and I would suggest that The New Zealand Wedding Planning Journal can become a part of your treasured memory as the wedding and wedding photographs themselves. This really will be a book to keep, cherish and treasure as long as you are married, and brought out for the children and grandchildren to share your memories.

So, what will I do with this book now? Pass it to my fiancee of course - and help her plan our special day - together.

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