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Home > Categories > Books > Sci-Fi > Genesis review

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Score: 8.0/10  [1 review]
3 out of 5
ProdID: 1096 - Genesis
Written by Bernard Beckett

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August 2006

Genesis product reviews

Go forward in time...

Now we are alone. outsiders can no longer be trusted and are shot on sight. Here in the new Republic the people serve the State and the Philosophers who guide it. Until one man, Adam Forde, puts himself at grave risk, and changes everything.

We witness a young Academy candidate being put through a gruelling examination. Her speciality: the life of Adam Forde. What secrets has she discovered and what is her own surprising link to Adam?

The story of an extraordinary society that makes the final leap.

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Review by: tucker (Karl)
Dated: 15th of September, 2006

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This Review: 8.0/10
Value for Money:
Score 7 out of 10
Level of Realism:
Score 8 out of 10
Score 8 out of 10
Lose Track of Time:
Score 9 out of 10

As a bit of change of pace, I grabbed this for some light reading... being a sci-fi buff I was drawn to the premise of the plot. The perspective was stunningly well put across, though I found the constant 'Anaximander: "blah blah blah" Examiner: "yakkety schmakety" ' to'ing and fro'ing a bit tedious in places... it looked more like a stageplay than a novel in places.

I was quite taken, however, with the arguments tendered by the secondary historical figure of "Art", the first Artificial Intelligence created, as it conversed and interacted with the historical Adam Forde, especially it's views on the evolutionary waves of life on earth.

Overall, though I found it really quite a good read, nice and light for an adult reader, I think the price is a little steep for a book that took me under a day to read. For this price range, I would usually expect something that would occupy me for up to a week, so a bit more literary 'meat' as it were. Still, for something aimed at the teenage market, this is a great summer read for the school holidays, and even worth a re-read during the Christmas break on the beach. Already a multi-award winning author, Bernard Beckett is showing quite a bit of potential to rank up with the masters of Sci-Fi.

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Joan Didion (1934 - ), 'Slouching Towards Bethlehem'