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Home > Categories > Books > Kids - General > Miniwings #5: Comet's Cross-Country Crime review

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Score: 9.4/10  [2 reviews]
4 out of 5
ProdID: 8115 - Miniwings #5: Comet's Cross-Country Crime
Author: Sally Sutton

Miniwings #5: Comet's Cross-Country Crime
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November 2018

Miniwings #5: Comet's Cross-Country Crime product reviews

Proud to promote NZ productsSophia is determined that she and Clara will have a "glorious victory" in the school cross-country. When the big day arrives and the race favourite's "magic shoes" go missing, it comes as a big surprise to Sophia when they turn up in her bag! Accusing fingers are pointed. "Thief!"

This time, the Miniwings have reached a whole new level of naughty. How will Sophia get out of this?

With adorable full-colour illustrations by Kirsten Richards.

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Review by: shellcruise (Shelley)
Dated: 4th of December, 2018

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This Review: 9.8/10
Score 10 out of 10
Value for Money:
Score 10 out of 10
Score 10 out of 10
Personal Choice:
Score 9 out of 10

The great thing about these books is they will appeal to any pre-teen. My nine year old loves the series and now my seven year old has started reading them as well. They are fun, zany and definitely not boring. The pages are decorated beautifully and the writing is big and bold and at times large. No boring white pages here they are all sorts of colours but mainly yellow. Also there are extremely busy pictures which help tell the story and a very informative about their emotions at the time.

It is a fast read only 91 pages and I read it within 30 minutes. It is also broken up into chapters seven to be exact. Both of my girls have read it - my eldest first and she wrote a small review: "it is a good book and what I think is the best one yet. I love how each of the miniwings have their own unique personalities and how naughty they can be'. My youngest and I read together - a chapter a night. I found she could easily read the book but did have problems with a couple of words mainly the miniwings vocabulary but luckily at the back of the book there is a dictionary of the words and what they mean. We laughed quite a few times mainly by her reaction more than anything.

I think this book appeals to both girls as they have recently had their cross country and athletics and have been having to do running on a daily basis so it is still fresh in both of their minds. It is written by a childs prospective so it is very relatable to the both of them. It expresses the feeling of hating to loose and how you always want to be the best at everything. It also touches on a child having very expensive shoes where both of the sisters have envy but there parents said 'do you think money grows on trees' and how they had to deal with missing out.

My favourite part would definitely be when she discusses her idea of what a school caretakers should be, as she reads a lot of books she knows everything about them. Their school caretaker Mr Jones was a little unusual because he is nice and friendly - where as, caretakers are usually really creepy and could have a spooky hacky cough because of the big stinky cigarettes they smoke or a wandering eye that goes in the wrong direction - absolutely priceless - I did laugh at this.

Out of all the Miniwings books that I have read I do agree that this is one of the better ones. My youngest has now started reading the other Miniwing books that we own and my eldest has already put in a request for the next book. I do have to admit I am curious to see what these naughty winged horses will do next. A cute series perfect for the young at heart.

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Review by: tamstar22 (Tami)
Dated: 27th of November, 2018

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This Review: 9.0/10
Score 9 out of 10
Value for Money:
Score 9 out of 10
Score 9 out of 10
Personal Choice:
Score 9 out of 10

Very beautiful book which I enjoyed reading with my 8 year old niece who also loved the book as it had all her favorite things in the story and book. She loves horses, loves running and is actually super fast for her age and loves the school cross county and also loves reading and enjoys a good story line. She commented on how she liked all the images and were wonderful to look at and bright and said she loved all the little horses added within the book as well.

The wee dictionary at the back of the book is cool to add a bit more of a funny side to some of the words as to what they mean. A well thought out book and little added extras like that goes a long way. It also shows other books you can get at the last page which is great cause when you finish a book you really enjoy you look for other books from the same author. This book would make a good present for any girl who is keen on her reading.

I enjoyed the story line and so did my niece and we had a little chuckle in some areas but was also good how it comes with reflecting situations and lessons to be learnt. Very cool and now I know what to get her for Christmas will be some of the other books from the same author.

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