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Product reviews on kiwireviews.nz : Saturday 27th July 2024 - 17:34:06

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You searched for: [ feeling ]

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Product Title  Sorted Ascending
A Flash of Blue A Flash of Blue

Tags: feelings, grief, guilt, love, maria farrer, pressure, relationships, scholastic, siblings, trouble
Maria Farrer 10.0
Blue Whale Blues Blue Whale Blues

Tags: feelings, friendship, fun, happy, helping, penguin, peter carnavas, picture book, sadness, scholastic, whale
Peter Carnavas 9.4
Guess How Marion Feels Guess How Marion Feels

Tags: emotion, feeling, guess how marion feels, interaction, miss kaye, miss waitthk, neurodivergent, neurotypical, relationship, nzmade
Miss Kaye 9.5
I Wish I Could Dance I Wish I Could Dance

Tags: animals, children, dance, feelings, happy, john bendall-brunello, kids, penguin, talent, tiziana bendall-brunello, zoo
Tiziana and John Bendall-Brunello 9.0
Inside Out Inside Out

Tags: amy poehler, bill hader, disney, emotions, feelings, lewis black, mindy kaling, pete docter, phyllis smith, pixar
Pete Docter 9.3
Mummies are Lovely Mummies are Lovely

Tags: cats, emotions, family, feelings, hardback, meredith costain, picture book, polona lovsin, relationships, rhyme, rhythm, scholastic
Meredith Costain 9.5
The Prince Who Shrank The Prince Who Shrank

Tags: annie white, feeling good, hardback, koala books, kylie fornasier, picture book, scholastic
Kylie Fornasier 9.3
Total number of results: 7 (Note: Some results may not be displayed)

Last 5 searches made

When What   [ Number of results ]
27 July at 05:34pm General search for feeling   [ 7 ]
27 July at 05:33pm General search for little yellow digger   [ 9 ]
27 July at 05:33pm Reviews written by gamerulz   [ 56 ]
27 July at 05:33pm General search for wine   [ 66 ]
27 July at 05:33pm General search for pumpkin   [ 26 ]

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"Proof that God doesn't exist: If God created the earth for mankind, why is it that we can only live on a less than a quarter of it?"