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Home > Categories > Food > Confectionery > Cadbury Chocolate Biscuits Freddo review

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Score: 6.8/10  [5 reviews]
2 out of 5
ProdID: 4318 - Cadbury Chocolate Biscuits Freddo
Manufactured by Cadbury

Cadbury Chocolate Biscuits Freddo

Cadbury Chocolate Biscuits Freddo product reviews

Freddo Vanilla or Chocolate Biscuits with a Cadbury chocolate base

Snack packs (8 individually wrapped twin packs)

biscuit   character   chocolate   freddo   frog   snack   vanilla
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Review by: melissaandchloe (Melissa)
Dated: 12th of August, 2015

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This Review: 3.5/10
Score 2 out of 10
Score 5 out of 10
Value for Money:
Score 5 out of 10
Personal Choice:
Score 2 out of 10

When I was grocery shopping I came across the Cadbury Freddo Biscuits on the shelf, and seeing that they came in both vanilla and chocolate flavours it was proving to be a hard choice just choosing just one flavour, so you guessed it I had to try both. My daughter and I both love biscuits (there definitely my daughters favourite treat), and then there's chocolate which has to be my biggest downfall. I've always loved Freddo Frogs for as long as I can remember and have tried so many different varieties over the years so you can imagine my excitement when I saw that Cadbury had brought out Freddo biscuits.

With such high expectations as a Freddo lover I was VERY disappointed to bite into one of the chocolate flavoured biscuits as soon as we reached the car. The biscuit was very hard and dry, with a very powdery cocoa taste, it wasn't the sweetest of biscuits and definetely wasn't very flavoursome, if it wasn't for the Cadbury Chocolate coated base they would have been even worse. So putting my first taste of the biscuits aside I got home and decided to give the Vanilla flavoured biscuit a shot, once again very disappointed as I bit into a dry, hard plain tasting biscuit. There's not much my daughter doesn't eat but even she refused these.

The Freddo Frog shapes of the biscuits were very cute I must admit and would almost always tempt a child to eat them, however I don't know that they would want to continue eating them after the first bite. The packaging I did find to be eye-catching and appealing to the audience marketed for (children) with the bright green frog surfing on a biscuit. I also like the packaging, and how it had the easy resealable tab to keep the biscuits fresh was quite a clever idea in my books and something well thought out. With the cost versus quantity I don't think I would buy these again, many much yummier biscuits out there for the same price or less, I think my daughter will probably be sticking to her Cookie Bear favourites from now on too.

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Review by: tessak (Tess)
Dated: 19th of October, 2013

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This Review: 6.5/10
Score 7 out of 10
Score 6 out of 10
Value for Money:
Score 6 out of 10
Personal Choice:
Score 7 out of 10

I personally love chocolate, I mean seriously in all honesty who doesnt right? and I also love freddo frogs...maybe a little to much, because I can quite easily eat an entire 'share' bag of freddo frogs alone in ine sitting *eeekkk*. So you can imagine my excitement at discovering Cadbury had mixed two of my favorite things to create freddo biscuits.

However, sadly, my excitement soon dwindled. They are just a plain biscuit shapped like a freddo frog and coated with a chocolate back. Nothing out if this world in fact :( Add in the price per packet and the small amount of biscuits per packet and it is quite a let down. Further more, the biscuits are nothing amazing and quite dry to be honest. What amazed me the most was that even my kids did not like them.

Credit given were credit due though, the packaging is eye catching, and although my kids do not like them, each time we are in the biscuit aisle at the supermarket, they see them and straight away I hear 'oooo mum freddo biscuits, please can we get some?' a quick reminder that they don't like them and all is forgotten.
So as much as we personally do not like them, Cadbury hit the nail on the head with packaging marketing towards children.

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Review by: kiwiblondie (Michelle)
Dated: 3rd of September, 2013

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This Review: 6.3/10
Score 5 out of 10
Score 8 out of 10
Value for Money:
Score 6 out of 10
Personal Choice:
Score 6 out of 10

My kids love anything that looks like it is tasty and fun frog pictures always help sell things to them. We got home and opened the packet, the older 2 ate the biscuits and asked for more.. the youngest kind of bite into one and told me that "I don't like this, not tasty" and refused to eat anymore.

Personally I found the biscuit dry and the chocolate layer was rather thin and almost none existent. I do a lot of baking and have heaps of good recipes that taste a lot better than this biscuit does.

Since school and kindy are promoting healthy eating, the kids told me not to send any to school as biscuits aren't a healthy choice and they haven't asked for me to buy any again.

Click here to read the profile of kymmage

Review by: kymmage (Kym)
Dated: 21st of May, 2013

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This Review: 8.3/10
Score 8 out of 10
Score 9 out of 10
Value for Money:
Score 8 out of 10
Personal Choice:
Score 8 out of 10

I recently saw that Freddo had been released as a biscuit. My daughters favourite chocolate treat is a Freddo frog. I find them excellent bribes for good behaviour and used them throughout toilet training amongst other things. So when the opportunity came up to try a biscuit version, I thought why not! My daughter has been at school for a year now and it's always a struggle to keep her lunch box stocked with things she will eat.

I got a box of the Vanilla biscuits as well as a box of the chocolate flavour. Either flavour comes in a cardboard box which is a good size and shape for storage in the pantry. You get 8 packets in the box and each packet includes two biscuits which is a good serving size for a growing child.

The vanilla ones went away to school and I had a packet for myself at home to try them out. The flavour of the biscuit is creamy and definitely very vanilla. I would not have called it a subtle taste. The chocolate is nice on the back. The biscuit was almost like a shortbread consistency, quite dense. I asked my daughter what she thought of these. Although she ate the first packet, the second packet that went to school came home unopened. She was not as interested in the biscuits and suggested I eat them all for my "school lunches' instead.

The chocolate flavour was much more acceptable, and she claimed almost the whole box for her lunches. The chocolate biscuit is a bit more like a wheaten. Its a lighter style biscuit and I found it very nice indeed. The chocolate only enhanced the niceness of it, whereas with the Vanilla the chocolate was the saving grace. We'll definitely buy the chocolate flavoured ones again in future.

Click here to read the profile of samantha203

Review by: samantha203 (Samantha)
Dated: 21st of May, 2013

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This Review: 9.5/10
Score 9 out of 10
Score 9 out of 10
Value for Money:
Score 10 out of 10
Personal Choice:
Score 10 out of 10

I really love freddo frogs and through the years they have been what I would give my daughter for a treat as they are small and mean she doesn't get too much sweet stuff all at once. That is the same reason I like them as you get the chocolate hit without having too much.

When I seen this biscuits appear on the shelves I had to try them. We bought the original biscuit rather than the chocolate chip version and they were nice. The biscuit was like a shortbread style biscuit and was nice with the chocolate as there is chocolate you only need a plain biscuit. The chocolate coating was really nice you could tell it was cadbury chocolate as opposed to a cheap chocolate.

The are a cute freddo frog shape so they are really exciting for the kids and my daughter loved having them in her lunch box. The only down side of them is they are quite expensive and you don't really get many in a packet so it doesn't really last that long but we liked how the biscuits were individually wrapped in packs of two which made them ideal for lunchboxes.

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