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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Food > Sauces and Condiments > Salsa Brava Chimichurri Sauce - Spicy
  ProdID: 8465 - Salsa Brava Chimichurri Sauce - SpicyProduced bySalsa Brava Product Score: 8.8 
Salsa Brava Chimichurri Sauce - Spicy

Price : $9.50 / 210g jar
Supplier :
Available : via online store and selected retail outlets

Chimichurri sauce is a classic Argentinian dressing, it will transform your everyday recipes into exotic and delicious meals.

It's as good dolloped onto roast potatoes or roast meat as it is on Argentinian choripan (grilled sausage sandwich). You can also use it to marinate veggies, tofu or to season a roast dinner. We encourage you to discover new delicious uses for your 'Salsa Brava' Chimichurri!

We were tempted to make a hot version, as we have lots of customers that love hot sauces. We gave it a go, and here it is. It's smoky flavour comes from smoked chipotle, it is a sauce that you can't miss!

Main ingredients are: organic parsley, oregano, garlic, chilli, smoked chipotle, herbs and spices.

    •  No Preservatives
    •  No Additives
    •  Gluten Free
    •  Sugar Free
    •  Vegan
    •  No GMO
Value for Money
Number of Uses
Personal Choice
nikkib90   Review #21556 - Dated: 12th of May, 2020
  Author: nikkib90

As a family we enjoy trying new foods, flavours and ethnic dishes. None of us had ever tried a chimichurri sauce before so this was an excellent opportunity to request the Salsa Brava Chimichurri Argentinian Sauce in the regular and spicy version. I love spicy food and sauces and my family will often try them but tend to enjoy the less spicy option most of the time.

We had a night of burritos and enchiladas served with sides of lettuce, cheese, sour cream, salsa, jalapenos and the Salsa Brava Chimichurri Argentinian sauces. The spicy sauce was tried by all and had a nice hint of spice but it was not overwhelming or too much for any of us. The taste lingered on and developed as you enjoyed your meal. The great thing is a little goes a long way so you can add as much as your personal preference dictates. Alongside enchiladas it enhanced the flavours of the cooked chicken and sauces and subtly added a bit of heat. When the Salsa Brava Chimichurri spicy sauce was added into the burrito the taste was enhanced and you knew this was not just the ordinary salsa that we were used to using.

Overall we were very happy - the children have voted to stick with the original Salsa Brava Chimichurri Argentinian sauce while the adults prefer the spicy version. It is a perfect size jar at 210 grams as a little goes a long way. The product has a layer of oil on the top so mixing it through before serving is recommended. We love to support New Zealand made products and brands, especially ones that use all natural ingredients with no additives or preservatives. Thank you for the opportunity to expand our palette to new flavours.

Value for Money
Number of Uses
Personal Choice
nikkib90   Review #21545 - Dated: 3rd of May, 2020
  Author: nikkib90

We decided to have a Mexican fiesta night during lockdown, complete with an array of Mexican dishes, Mariachi music, sombreros and of course Mexican beer. We served fish burritos, chicken enchiladas and cheesy nachos. Everyone had something new to try, something they loved and an opinion to share.

We have a range of taste preferences in our home with my two boys not keen on too hot and spicy, although always willing to have a taste, husband likes to taste the flavour and a medium kick and I love it it hot and spicy, the spicier the better!

The Salsa Brava Chimichurri Argentianian SPICY VERSION Sauce was used on the side served with enchiladas and burritos as a condiment. It comes in a 210g bottle and - you can see the herbs and spices and ingredients rather well through it. Upon opening it you get an nice hit of a spicy scent and it is thinner than I thought with oil on the top. I mixed it through and put it out to serve with our meal. The flavour was perfect for me - I love hot and spicy and this performed beyond my expectations! My family aren't too keen on the extra heat in it but they did enjoy the regular version of this sauce.

I would like to try this stirred through a pasta salad or chorizo penne dish or in a toasted sandwich. It has a great bold flavour and the heat is warm without being blazing spicy. There are so many variations for this product - I am going to marinate prawns in this and see how they come out in a curry or on the bbq. This product is priced well as a little goes along way.

The highlights for me is that this is a New Zealand made product - created in Raglan! We are fans of supporting NZ made. This sauce is gluten and vegan friendly, all of the ingredients are natural (no numbers). Certainly a brand that I am going to support and seek out to see what else is in their range.

Value for Money
Number of Uses
Personal Choice
fliss1   Review #21402 - Dated: 22nd of January, 2020
  Author: fliss1

This little jar was quite daunting in the fridge for a start as it said "spicy" and argentinian. I was expecting quite the hot and spicy. which It was but not in a bad way. Husband is a big fan and loved the long warm taste as he described it.

I love mexican dishes and I think this is a great fit for that. I would be a bit careful serving it up to children as it probably looks more harmless than it is (definitely has a strong taste). I found it great in cooking but I would probably use it raw more just because its a lovely fresh taste and it would get lost in some dishes. Great match with cheese both in dishes and as a side.

I definitely mixed it up each time I opened it as well. I don't know that you needed to but there were a lot of bits and I wanted to make sure it was the same taste throughout. This salsa (which is mostly how I used it) was great in that it actually was quite healthy having no sugar and being vegan (which is important for some of our household).

It was the best addition to our nachos of the year. I don't know if I would bother trying the "plain one" after trying the spicy as the spicy was a great level of taste and not too hot for us. Sadly it didn't last as long as some other salsas and I will have to be off to get some more but it is a little pricey for all the time. A great treat!

Value for Money
Number of Uses
Personal Choice
Noisybabe007   Review #21349 - Dated: 7th of January, 2020
  Author: Noisybabe007

I requested this Chimichurri sauce primarily for my husband, who loves spicy EVERYHING, and because it sounded really delicious!! We have 3 children, and although we do not cook separate meals for them, we tend to leave the spice out and add it to both of ours, making the flavour more like what we like, so something like this sauce is great to have in the fridge. It is a big plus that is quite natural and so suitable for plant based meals and has no added sugar or genetically modified ingredients, which is something we are passionate about!

Reading the back of the jar, it is suggested to mix the contents thoroughly before eating, so I did give it a good shake before opening. Upon opening I could see and smell the chipotle and the oil in it, and boy was it nice! It didn't immediately hit me as seeming really spicy, but I decided to play it safe and only sample a tiny amount "straight" as it were. The flavour did hit me immediately, but it is a really nice spice or heat rather than a scrape you tongue down and plunge it into an ice bath sort!

After using it like a spread with cheese and olives, I next decided to put it with my potatoes to give them a flavour kick. I dolloped a little on my plate and proceeded to roll the potatoes in it. They didn't really coat, to be honest, but did pick up a bit of the sauce and go absolutely perfectly with potatoes as is suggested. I could actually imagine doing a layered potato dish with this, and topping it with cheese - I think that would be amazing!

I honestly think this sauce is a great thing for anyone to have in their fridge - it has so many uses that honestly your imagination is your limit. Having a read of some of the other reviews, I actually picked up some different ideas based on what they used it for (plus realised I need to think more outside the box!).

I do really love that this is a glass jar also - so it can be reused and kept. Well done Salsa Brava - I am now actively searching out more of your products to try, as I really enjoyed this one!

Value for Money
Number of Uses
Personal Choice
tamstar22   Review #21277 - Dated: 16th of December, 2019
  Author: tamstar22

This Salsa Brava Chimichurri Sauce Spicy sauce is a nice added flavour when cooking and adding it to food. I had been out fishing and caught some bluenose so I decided to marinate some fish with it and wow it cooked up lovely and the flavours were amazing. My partner really enjoyed it as well. I did not think the spice was to hot and liked the kick of heat it provided. I found it was really good for the fish and different from crumbing it.

It was amazing with some roast veges as well. Perfect for trying something different and adding new flavours into your meals. My oldest son was not to keen on the flavour and said it was weird but my partner and I enjoyed it. I also like how it has its own added oil in the salsa I did not need to add extra oil when using it.

For the price I am unsure if I would buy it again, considering how many uses you get from it. I found I had a lot of left over when using it as a marinade but I guess if you had it you would use it. I also enjoyed adding a bit of sour cream with it and making a dip from it, it went well with crackers and brie. I like how it has no added sugar, additives or preservatives. Great for you and tasty. The texture is really good as, different textures within the jar.

Value for Money
Number of Uses
Personal Choice
shadowshaded   Review #21226 - Dated: 7th of December, 2019
  Author: shadowshaded

When I first saw this product I had expected it to be unbearably spicy for it had two out of three chillies so I was a bit reluctant to try it but oh boy I am so glad I did because the flavour reminded me of salsa that you would put on nachos as it had a very tangy flavour with hints of sweetness showing through. It was not as spicy as I had expected which is good for my family as the children's stomach's do not handle spice well, another great thing about the chimichurri sauce is that it is vegan-friendly so my wife can also enjoy this as well as me.

The texture is very alike salsa being not too thick with lots of little pieces of herb and chunks of vegetables as well as a lot of liquid that tends to settle on the top so I would recommend shaking it like the jar states to balance the mixture out unless you want just liquid. The smell is very strong that it reminds me of tomatoes with a very herby tone which made my mouth water before I even tasted it. When using this sauce I would recommend using it on burgers as the flavours worked so well together with the cheese and vegetables in the burger. I really enjoyed it.

Overall this was delicious and I would definitely recommend this to people who enjoy exotic flavours with a bit of spice in their food or who are just looking for a way to spice up meals in general however if you do not like strange textures this is not the product for you. For the value of money, I thought it was a little pricy but it should last a long time so I think it was not too bad. I would definitely purchase this product.

Value for Money
Number of Uses
Personal Choice
savta   Review #21173 - Dated: 2nd of November, 2019
  Author: savta

Before I realised that it is important to stir the contents of the jar, I tasted a little chimichurri sauce on a teaspoon to gauge just how hot it might be - and it was very spicy indeed! Then I had a second taste and realised it was not unbearably hot after all. I had just happened upon a small piece of chipotle chili first up. It should have been obvious that the product did need to be stirred since the liquid tends to settle on the surface, but I was too quick to go for that first impression.

I found that this sauce is amazingly versatile. I tried it first on some home-made beef patties, served on pumpkin and sunflower seed muffins with a side of salad; a healthy alternative to a fast food burger, but a bit on the heavy side and lacking in flavour. The chimichurri sauce was just what it needed, providing a full flavour with a satisfying sting in the tail. Later in the evening, we were snacking on some mixed nuts - mostly larger whole nuts like Brazil nuts and pecans, so I tried adding some sauce to a small dish so we could try it as a dip. It was so tasty if a little messy and was a perfect food to enjoy while watching a horror movie.

Another success was as an ingredient with a salad dressing. I had already tried it spooned directly on to a green salad, and found it a good alternative to a mayonnaise or vinaigrette, but this time we were having a hot fish salad which needs a spicier and more liquid dressing. I mixed equal quantities of plain Greek yoghurt, natural hummus, grated mild cheese, and chimichurri sauce, and poured it over the salad. The result was a fusion of flavours which raised a potentially boring meal to an interesting combination that had everyone asking for seconds. We served it with fresh crusty bread which was just as well as we would otherwise have run out of salad altogether.

It is rewarding to find a sauce that is not only tasty but is also a healthy option. It is a natural product with no preservatives, and is low in carbs which is a bonus. The label features several suggestions for serving, some of which I have yet to try. There is also a reminder to keep the jar refrigerated once it is opened, although my jar is almost empty already so that will not be a problem! And yes - there is also a reminder to shake before use. Serves me right for not reading the entire label BEFORE I opened it. I will know next time.

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Printed at 10:01:24am on Thursday 13th June 2024