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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Food > Sauces and Condiments > Barkers Passionfruit Lemon Sauce
  ProdID: 8267 - Barkers Passionfruit Lemon SauceProduced byBarker's of Geraldine Product Score: 9.7 
Barkers Passionfruit Lemon Sauce

Price : $4.99
Supplier :
Available : at supermarkets nationwide

A tropical citrus blend of goodness perfect as a topper for cheesecake, meringue or eton mess. Our Passionfruit Lemon Sauce gives colour and is stunning when topped off with a few edible flowers for a botanical dessert bloom.

    •  Gluten free
    •  Made in New Zealand
    •  No added preservatives
    •  Vegetarian friendly
    •  Contains EGG and MILK

Shake before use. Refrigerate after opening.
Value for Money
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Personal Choice
kiwigirl04   Review #20750 - Dated: 23rd of June, 2019
  Author: kiwigirl04

We love barker's products so when this came out I was excited to try. I love passionfruit and lemon is great in things so joining these two together is a great idea. When opening up the lid the flavour was strong with passionfruit I could smell a hint of lemon but they just smelt Devine together. When pouring it we tried on icecream first as that is what we had, the sauce wasn't thick and hard to get out it was nice and flowing it poured great.

You could really smell the flavours as it hit the icecream and the taste was incredible. It tasted real, it gad that same taste as you wpuld get from a piece of fruit in your hand. After using it on icecream we decided it would be great on cheesecake so we made some mini cheesecakes gluten free and because this yummy sauce is gluten free it was perfect. What a great dessert we had the flavours just cut through the cheesecake perfect, some dribbled over tge top others folded I to the cream cheese.

Overall this passionfruit and lemon dessert sauce is great for many reasons, but the flavours work well so many uses for this sauce and the price is pretty good too. So if you like passionfruit and lemon give it a go

Value for Money
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kiwiblondie   Review #20677 - Dated: 2nd of June, 2019
  Author: kiwiblondie

I had tried a few of the other flavours in this range and wasn't too overly impressed but since lemon is one of the flavours that you either love or hate I thought to leave this to last so not to influence my decision on this one. As usual I really liked the bottle and label and all the information on the label.

I decided to try this over a cake to give it a bit of a new taste. This wasn't too runny so a lot of the sauce stayed on the cake and not on the plate. I took a bite and then another and another since it was so yummy, it did remind me of lemon curd. I could actually eat a lot more rather happily. The rest of the family tried some as well and most said that it was nice, I'm sure that only the boys preferred the chocolate sauce.

Out of all the flavours I tried I must admit that this one is my favourite and I will be buying this a lot more in the future to add over ice cream and cheesecake and some normal vanilla cake and if I can find some decent waffles then I would be interested in giving that a go as well.

Value for Money
Number of Uses
Personal Choice
melpalmy   Review #20674 - Dated: 2nd of June, 2019
  Author: melpalmy

I just love Barkers Products, so I was really keen to review another new product of theirs; the Passionfruit Lemon Sauce which sounded like a great combo, especially as I like both these fruits.

The bottle is the same bottle that Barkers use for their savoury sauces such as their Balsamic Mint Sauce (my fav!); this makes their products very recognisable and forms connections through their brand, which in my opinion is very smart. I like how the customer can hold the bottle and through their artwork and clever captioning on the label, they are immediate given ideas for using the sauce.

Firstly, I sampled the sauce on its own, just by tipping the sauce onto a spoon, I had to be careful as the sauce had a slightly runnier consistency than I was expecting, so it quickly poured out the top! The sauce had a lovely colour and when I tasted it, the sauce definitely had the sweet taste of passionfruit and a very faint taste of the sour lemon, it was absolutely divine!

I quickly searched through my recipe books and I soon found a great recipe for an unbaked lemon and ginger cheesecake which I decided to adapt to suit this sauce. I wanted to sauce to be the "star" and not hide it through the filling, so I decided to use it as a topping only, the base was crushed ginger and coconut biscuits and the filling, cream cheese, sour cream and caster sugar. I decided that due to runniness of the sauce that I would add gelatine to the sauce to create a more "set" topping. I'm glad I did as it made the sauce more connected to its base, but I did cheat and run some more sauce over the top just before serving.

The cheesecake was tasted by my family and colleagues; it was very well received with all of them commenting on the sweet yet tartness of the sauce. I still have about 1/4 bottle left even after also enjoying it as a topping on vanilla ice cream a few days later. I would recommend this sauce to all lovers of sweet citrus fruit toppings no matter what the demographic, young or old, it is bound to appeal to all.

Value for Money
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Personal Choice
shadowshaded   Review #20660 - Dated: 1st of June, 2019
  Author: shadowshaded

One of the features that stands out the most with Barker's of Geraldine products is the packaging that is filled with vibrant colors and beautiful artwork which this Passionfruit lemon sauce showcase's very well. The first thing I decided to use the sauce on was plain vanilla ice cream as to not have anything that can distract the flavor from the sauce and it was a good decision because the sauce alone paired so well and had enough flavor of passionfruit and lemon that it didn't require anything more to make it a delicious dessert. Once the ice cream had melted somewhat I mixed the sauce into the ice cream and it blended in very well and the taste was constant with every spoonful.

The sauce isn't as thick as I expected it to be after trying the choc lovers chocolate sauce which was a very thick sauce I naturally assumed this sauce was going to be a similar consistency but it is much runnier but still thick enough to please. I decided to try the sauce over some pancakes and I was very pleased with the tangy passionfruit and lemon flavor it added to the soft fluffy pancakes and the crunch of the seeds also gave a nice addition to the mix. Speaking of the seeds there is just the right amount as there aren't too many to be off-putting and not too little to feel like it is lacking.

I am quite a fan of the fruity style sauce for desserts so this is a great addition that I welcome into my fridge but I can't say the same about my children as my two daughters enjoyed it but the boys were not impressed as they wanted just to stick with the chocolate sauce. If you like adding flavors into your baking or drizzling sauces over your desserts then this is one I would recommend as it is very tasty and great value for money at just $4.99 for a 345g bottle plus being gluten-free and having no added preservatives.

Value for Money
Number of Uses
Personal Choice
melissaandchloe   Review #20647 - Dated: 29th of May, 2019
  Author: melissaandchloe

The combination of lemon and passionfruit is always one I enjoy, in the past I have made this out of fresh fruit and enjoyed it over the likes of yoghurt, pancakes and pavlovas, however sourcing both of these fruits all year round isn't possible so when I saw this product available from Barkers of Geraldine I was over the moon with happiness as it meant I could now enjoy it all year round. BEing a Barker's product I straight away knew meant quality so I could not wait to try it.

As usual the packaging was lovely and attractive which i've come to expect from all Barker's products, I was impressed by the label and the suggestions given for use such as over desserts and pancakes. Through the glass bottle you could see the contents and I was impressed by the vibrant colour of the sauce and I loved that it appeared to have a very generous amount of passionfruit pips through it, this suggested to me that it was going to have a good flavour mix of both lemon and passionfruit.

When I first opened up the bottle, I was happy to see that the sauce was actually quick thick rather than runny as this in my opinion meant that I could branch out my ideas for using this product even further. On first taste I was blown away there was a perfect combination of tangy, sweet and slightly tart and you could certainly taste both the lemon and passionfruit with not one seeming to overpower the other. My partner and Miss 6 both wated a try so had a teaspoonful and both were happy with the flavour asking "are you going to make us something with that?".

First off I decided to whip up some mini donuts in my cake pop machine, after whipping up the batter I half filled the cake pop machine with it and then to each donut addeda generous dollop of the passionfruit lemon sauce before covering this up with some more batter. I was impressed with the way the donuts cooked, particularly as the sauce did not seep out the sides. I allowed the donuts to cool slightly and then rolled each one into a mix of cinnamon and sugar. With my first bite I was hit with the lovely lemony taste which was still lovely and thick inside the donuts, I couldn't believe how delicious they were, the sauce really took them to a whole new level and they were so good that they were gone by the end of the afternoon.

I decided to test out the sauce some more and used it over my yoghurt in the morning, again it worked perfectly with the vanilla yoghurt and was just the right consistency to swirl through. WIth still a reasonable ammount left in the bottle I decided to use some in an icing I was making to sandwich some biscuits together, wow the sauce took the biscuits from rather plain to full of flavour, they were so good and requested by Miss 6 to be made for her shared lunch at school, her report back was that all her friends really liked them. A great product all round with so many uses which I will buy again.

Value for Money
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Personal Choice
savta   Review #20600 - Dated: 13th of May, 2019
  Author: savta

Pavlova is one of those foods I just can't resist - I don't have a naturally sweet tooth for most foods, but pavlova is the exception! My daughter had just celebrated a birthday so she had nearly three quarters of a large pavlova left over. We thought the lemon and passionfruit flavours would go really well with it. Even better, she had the last of her own fresh passionfruit in the fruit bowl, so we were able to make a base of the fresh fruit and pile the pavlova on top. We then spooned a little whipped cream on top and, last of all, added a generous amount of sauce. It looked almost too nice to eat.

I like the idea that, as always, Barker's have used all natural products to create this sauce. It was interesting to find that the fresh passionfruit underneath the pavlova tasted almost exactly the same as the fruit content in the sauce on top. The lemon was not quite so prominent, but it did help to ensure that the product was not too sweet - the acidity of the lemon helped by cutting through the richness of the pavlova and meant that the sauce was well balanced. We all enjoyed it to the extent that the children asked for seconds!

There was still a lot of sauce left, so we tried it with plain ice-cream next day. Because it has quite a strong flavour, the ice-cream needs to be plain vanilla so that the lemon and passionfruit can both be tasted. Ice-cream is a great item to have in the freezer as it goes with so many different toppings. To add interest, the children added some figs to each plate - figs have quite a mild flavour so they did not overwhelm the main flavours, but they made the dessert a little healthier!

We both thought the price was very reasonable - we used it for twelve desserts and there was still some left, and that is useful to know when you are catering for a group of people. We also thought that, despite the children liking it so much that they came back for seconds, it has a certain sophisticated taste to it that would appeal to older people. When products are as versatile as this, I am much more likely to buy them. My daughter agreed with me. She had thought it would be too sharp and was pleasantly surprised to find that it was sweet enough for her palate too.

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Printed at 06:34:14pm on Wednesday 12th June 2024