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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Movies > Thriller > The Gift
  ProdID: 7207 - The Gift Directed byJoel Edgerton Product Score: 8.0 
The Gift

Price : POA
Supplier :
Available : August 2015

A young married couple's lives are thrown into a harrowing tailspin when an acquaintance from the husband's past brings mysterious gifts and a horrifying secret to light after more than 20 years.
Tension Factor
Production Quality
Personal Choice
shellcruise   Review #16547 - Dated: 11th of July, 2016
  Author: shellcruise

I have wanted to see this movie ever since I saw a preview for it. It looked like it could be really suspenseful and seemed like a story I could sink my teeth into. Unfortunately I should of learnt by now, previews only show you the good bits which does not always reflect the movie. For the first half of the movie it was dull, drawn out and extremely predictable but what truely blew my mind is that I jumped twice in that time, I am not sure if it was the eerie music, the fact my cat had been using me as a pin cushion or that I was not feeling the best but I actually jumped and I never do that.

Although extremely predicable and very easy to guess where it was leading and what would happen it still had a feeling of the Usual Suspects at the end and you were left scratching your head trying to figure out what is real and what is not. I can't say I enjoyed the characters much either. I found Jason Batemans character void of any emotions and had no charisma at all, his wife was so cardboard and had no personality and the only one I did like was Gordo and that was limiting at best. The story is writen by, directed by and stars Joel Edgerton and that is no easy feat.

As the movie went on I did become more invested in it and by the end I can't say I was surprised at all as I had already guessed what has happened but I was left with torn emotions. I absolutely detested Simon for everything he had done and I am glad Karma came and got him but I was still left feeling rather sorry for him until I realised he still had not fully taken responsibility for his actions and had brought it all on himself. The only good parts of him was when he was acting like his true cray cray self.

Not a movie I could rewatch but I am glad I have finally seen and can not put it out of my mind. Definitely has its moments but very far and few between but it still caught me off guard twice and I am still in utter shock that it made me jump at something so unworthy or totally unjumpable.

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Printed at 05:52:05pm on Sunday 02nd June 2024