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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Books > Pictorial > Stickmen
  ProdID: 712 - StickmenAuthored / Edited byPeter Vegas Product Score: 8.4 

Price : $12.95
Supplier :
Available : October 2005

Originally, this book was going to be the perfect replacement for the 1970's women's magazines that you find in doctor's waiting rooms, or in the cabinet under the telly at Aunty Cathy's house. But after lengthy consultations with a boardroom full of guys called Gary and Dave, far bigger plans have been hatched for this literary masterpiece...

Read the book, have a laugh, and then tell eighteen people to buy it. Actuaries have calculated that if everyone who reads it, tells eighteen people to buy a copy and actually do, then within eighteen months there will be a copy of STICKMEN on every second coffee table and in every fourth toilet in the entire world!

If we all play our part, the stickmean will rise like a rising thing made of sticks, and takes it's rightful place near the very top of the illustration food pyramid. This book is dedicated to all those people who can't draw horses.
Value for Money
Interest Factor
diogenes   Review #920 - Dated: 15th of October, 2005
  Author: diogenes

What a simplistic book! Who would have thought that someone with limited cartooning skills and someone who lacks good artistry could ever produce a book like this.

I really appreciated the humour of this book ranging from subtle to silly, surreal to just plain witty, sometimes abstract always funny.
I would love to see more of Peter's work in the future and I am sure that this book will quickly get a cult following and have many other artists doing very similar books. It is a shame to see one cartoonist come up with an idea which is quickly cloned by other artists with no original talent.

Peter may have a great future, he may disappear into obscurity, either way, this book will stand testament to his inventive mind.
I love it.

Value for Money
Interest Factor
Tucker   Review #905 - Dated: 2nd of October, 2005
  Author: Tucker

Maybe I was just missing something, but this book seemed a real conundrum to me. With some moments of real wit and evidence of real thought behind the simplistic artwork, the majority of the book didn't really inspire many laughs at all.

However, as brief as the humour was, it was good humour. I have always appreciated subtle, thoughtful wit, and this book does have a lot of potential... in a few more years Peter will probably have accumulated more than enough 'raw materials' to re-release this book with less 'flesh it out with whatever I can dream up' 'toons, and more really insightful and funny stuff.

Overall, chances are that you will find some really funny 'toons in this tiny pocket-sized book, and will enjoy the ones you like, while finding nothing at all objectionable... making it a good book by today's standards. However, if you are expecting a bumper crop of hilarity... keep checking the shelves. it's good, but nothing to write home about.

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