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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Books > Kids - General > Magpie Learns a lesson
  ProdID: 6273 - Magpie Learns a lessonAuthor:Sally Morgan and Ezekiel Kwaymullina Product Score: 7.8 
Magpie Learns a lesson

Price : $29.00
Supplier :
Available : March 2015

Magpie is cross that she can't fly like her friend Brown Falcon. She thinks of mean tricks that will make Brown Falcon look silly.

But she goes too far... and finds out just how much friends need each other.
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Jopukeko   Review #13687 - Dated: 21st of March, 2015
  Author: Jopukeko

My family has a love/hate relationship with magpies. We all love that they have a cheeky side but my husband has bad memories of them in the parks when he was growing up in Australia. For this reason my children were drawn to Magpie Learns a Lesson among the box of books available for review. I thought it would be good to see the magpie to finally learn some respect.

This book is essentially just another version of The Boy Who Cried Wolf. Magpie is envious and tricks his friend Brown Falcon twice.The third time it isn't a trick. Magpie is in trouble and the Brown Falcon saves her. Although Magpie tests it, Brown Falcon shows what true friendship is all about.

Since my children (and myself) have Australian heritage we could see where the book was set. All the flora and fauna was from there. My girls enjoyed naming the different animals in the background. The illustrations appeared to be (but I am certainly no expert) oils painted onto canvas which was a nice change as it isn't very common in children's books.

It is written just as a traditional fable is so together with the illustrations has a timeless quality about it. In fact I was surprised it was an original book rather than a retelling. Although it is a lovely story with some very important messages it just didn't grab my children. They liked it enough and even laughed at Magpie's antics, but I haven't yet asked to read it again.

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Printed at 01:38:35pm on Saturday 08th June 2024