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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Books > Kids - General > The Lego Movie - The Official Movie Handbook
  ProdID: 5322 - The Lego Movie - The Official Movie HandbookAuthor:Jeffrey Salane Illustrated by Kenny Kiernan Product Score: 9.3 
The Lego Movie - The Official Movie Handbook

Price : $11.30
Supplier :
Available : At all good book stores

Written and directed by Phil Lord and Christopher Miller (Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs), The LEGO Movie is a hilarious adventure that takes place in a world made entirely from LEGO bricks.

Emmet, an ordinary LEGO Minifigure, is mistakenly thought to be an extraordinary Master Builder and he is recruited to join a quest to stop an evil tyrant (Lord Business) from gluing the universe together, thus destroying creativity. Now Emmet and his friend Lucy need to go on a quest through various LEGO lands to save the world.

The movie is being produced and distributed in conjunction with Warner Bros and has an all-star cast including Chris Pratt (Emmet), Will Ferrell (Lord Business), Elizabeth Banks (Lucy), Liam Neeson (Bad Cop), Allison Brie (Uni Kitty), Nick Offerman (Pirate), Morgan Freeman (Wizard), Will Arnett (Batman), and more!
Value for Money
Personal Choice
rosielee3   Review #11007 - Dated: 12th of April, 2014
  Author: rosielee3

[pic^https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t1.0-9/10151208_10152301091383376_41226956889963361_n.jpg^pic] My son was ecstatic to see that we had received this for review, he could not wait to start reading it. I am not a fan of the previous LEGO movies as they contain a little too much fighting for me - but I will admit that I am secretly excited about this one as it seems more tame and contains real life scenarios (builders etc) which is great for the children's imaginative play and role playing games

My son is 5 and has been learning to read at school, and learning about parts of books such as title, author, illustrator, contents page etc. This book has really been the starting point of some great learning at home! There is so many parts to this book, it has a fantastic contents page where it runs through all the characters and places important to the movie along with page numbers - this was cool to talk about numbers and what character come before and after others. One particular page looks like the lounge of the Simpsons - I do wonder if this is meant to be like that or just a coincidence?

Basically as you can see from my photo all the characters get a page to be introduced you the reader in comic format (and I used fun little voices to enact the a character - the kids LOVED this!) then the places such as the construction site. There are a lot of character that are familiar to the children because we own a rather large collection so the kids loved getting the characters out and matching the ones they could to the book. We have also purchased some of the special LEGO movie figurines but some of the characters we have are not in the book - so we are definitely excited to see where they fit in!

My boys ask me every day when the 17th of April is (which is the day the movie comes out) and when can we buy the DVD, so no doubt when they see the other books on the LEGO movie that are out they will want them too. This is a fantastic present to any LEGO mad boy (or girl!) and it's a really reasonable price!

Value for Money
Personal Choice
shellcruise   Review #10939 - Dated: 30th of March, 2014
  Author: shellcruise

This book would be fantastic if you have already seen the movie. If anything it just cements the fact that my husband and children really want to see the movie.

The Prophecy:
One day a talented lass or fellow, a Special One with face of yellow, will make the Piece of Resistance found from its hiding refuge underground. And with a noble army at the helm, this Master Builder will thwart the Kragle and save the realm, and be the greatest, most interesting, most important person of all times. All this is true because it rhymes......

Emmet was living a content (boring) life in Bricksburg where every day he followed the rules of 1) Breath, 2) Exercise, 3) Shower and wear clothes, 4) enjoy popular songs like 'everything is awesome' and watch tv like 'where are my pants?' and step 5) always obey President Business's instructions. Until one day after work Emmet spots a strange female sneaking around the construction site and a giant hole appeared and he fell down and a weird red block attached itself to him.

The book introduces you to some of the characters that will be in the movie like: The masked man of justice, who has a fantastic belt and a deep superhero voice "I'm Batman." The most bubbly unicorn-kitty hybrid you ever met. She lives in cloud cuckoo land: a crazy, colourful wonderland with no rules whatsoever. President Business, the owner, founder and president of the Octan Corporation...... and the world and many more ummmmm people.

The book also comes with a small poster which alas does not include Batman (must of been to busy rehearsing the line 'I'm Batman' - as that is all that he seems to say). The first part of the book is told in comic book format, where as at the back it has a recap of what the plot is actually about. The pictures are great and as a whole a neat little book. Would only recommend as a reference to the movie as does not reveal to much except for the initial plot.

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Printed at 03:25:53am on Thursday 13th June 2024