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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Food > Sauces and Condiments > Indian Creations: Butter Chicken
  ProdID: 5121 - Indian Creations: Butter ChickenProduced byWatties Product Score: 8.9 
Indian Creations: Butter Chicken

Price : $3.99
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Available : supermarkets nationwide

The perfect dish to create when you want something exotic and fast. With a smoky Tandoori flavour, this smooth sauce fuses tomato and butter with aromatic spices. You can transform any chicken into an Eastern sensation in minutes.
Value for Money
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Personal Choice
black-kat   Review #11715 - Dated: 28th of June, 2014
  Author: black-kat

Ask anyone and they will tell you I love my curries. Butter Chicken, Korma, Tikka Masala, all of them, and when I had the chance to try this new Indian Creations sauce from Watties I leapt at the chance. BUtter Chicken is one of my favourite curries of all time, but my family aren't huge curry eaters, in fact most of them don't like anything too spicy or hot. But I convinced them to give this a shot as I thought this surely wouldn't be as hot as a standard curry so as to appeal to a wider audience.

So I cooked the chicken as suggested by the pack, and then added the sauce, it looked and smelled exactly like I have eaten from many Indian restaurant. To go with this I cooked up from nice long grain rice and warmed up some garlic Naan bread in the oven.

After the recommended cooking time it smelt perfect. After dishing it up I served it to the family and waited to see what their response would be. Well for me it was a bit mild, but for the rest of the family it was just right, so to me that was a winner. It now means that I can have more curries at home and not have to worry about them being too hot or spicy for the family. Thank you Watties.

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shellcruise   Review #11547 - Dated: 12th of June, 2014
  Author: shellcruise

Thursdays and Fridays are extremely busy days for me with various girls activities and are out of the house for most of it. Unless I am on to it preparing something in the slow cooker first thing in the morning it can be quite hectic. Am loving Watties and its fantastic sauces - so easy to prepare.

The packet just pulls apart - no frantically looking for the scissors. Rice is easy throw in the rice cooker. Fry up some chicken and onions and let it simmer with the sauce, so simple, also added 2 tablespoons of unsweetened yoghurt. The fragrance was mouth watering. By the time it had cooked, had the fire going and the homework was completed. It took just under half an hour to cook the complete meal. That is because I let it simmer for a little longer than probably required. Dinner was dished up shortly after my husband got home so it was great timing.

The meal I felt was a little bland, felt like it was missing something. Did not find it that flavoursome and when I mentioned to my husband he said it was a basic sauce and can not really do much with it. Everyone enjoyed it but nobody asked for any more. It was just ok - nothing mind blowing or fabulous. I think if we had in the future would have with naan bread.

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traciemaree   Review #11533 - Dated: 11th of June, 2014
  Author: traciemaree

Our household are HUGE curry fans and I am always cautious about buying any butter chicken in a pouch as it normally doesn't stand up against Indian takeaways.

However, I was pleasantly surprised. The aroma when I cut open the pack hit me straight away, it smelt divine, spicy and I wanted to eat it then and there (but I didn't). I followed the recipe cut up the chicken, added the onion and browned, then boiled and dropped it down on low. The entire house smelt AMAZING and the aroma wafted right through the house.

Simple to prepare, fast to cook and the taste was fantastic. Not to mild but not too spicy. it wasn't overpowering and the creaminess was about spot on. It even got the toddler seal of approval (did have to add a teaspoon of sour cream to make it less spicy for the toddler). All in all this is a great easy to prepare meal that can be made quickly, way cheaper than takeaways and when teamed up with brown rice and a garlic naan bread it makes the perfect meal on a winters night.

Glad I got to test this one and I can say it will now become a staple ingredient in our pantry.

Value for Money
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Personal Choice
kymmage   Review #11504 - Dated: 8th of June, 2014
  Author: kymmage

I'm a huge fan of butter chicken. I love a good curry anyway, but butter chicken has to be my main curry in the Indian family of curries. I have tried all the other curries in the Wattie's range, so now was my turn to try this one. I could not wait.

Into a frying pan, I browned some diced onion and then cooked my diced chicken. I added some slivers of capsicum, and then added the Butter Chicken sauce to the pan. I simmered this as directed and then added half a small tin of coconut cream. The smell in my chicken was delicious.

I dished up the meal for my family. My children had their chicken plain, but with the sauce on the side so they had the option to try it. Both kids did try it by dipping their rice in. The eldest seemed to enjoy it and tried it a couple of times. This was a good sign because she is very sensitive to spicy food on her tongue. My youngest didn't seem too interested.

My husband enjoyed the meal and I also did. The level of spice was good. There was a moment when my lips were burning a little from the spice, but I think if I have added the whole tin of coconut cream that would have solved it. Overall, I enjoyed the meal and I would get this one again. It tasted as expected, and the range is pretty cost effective.

Value for Money
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Personal Choice
alexmoulton   Review #11275 - Dated: 29th of May, 2014
  Author: alexmoulton

I have had many curries in my time, and being able to cook them myself, I have often been apprehensive if these kind of ready-made sauces. In general, these kind of sauces are made to cater to European taste buds, and never have enough spice to them. The single chilli in the top right corner of the packet pointed out ahead of time that it would in fact make a mild curry. I was quite pleased to see that and it allowed me to prepare and add my own chillis accordingly.

I added the chillis last, so that I could properly review the product as it comes. Coming in an easy top open packet, was convenient, and the instructions were very simple to follow. I immediately noticed the dark colour of the mix and was impressed. Not overly sweet, it was full of flavour, and had a very similar taste to how I make my own.

I served mine atop a mound of brown rice, and found it very palatable. While lacking in immediate heat and spice, it is full of flavour, and something I would consider buying again, purely for the convenience. This meal doesn't require much in the way of vegetables, and I would only go as far as to add a potato and some mushrooms. This meal is good enough as is.

The packaging is made out to serve four, and can't be resealed properly (I suppose you could use a peg if you wanted) So I ended up cooking it all, and storing the rest to take in for lunch at work.

Value for Money
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Personal Choice
raeofsunshine   Review #11256 - Dated: 26th of May, 2014
  Author: raeofsunshine

I love butter chicken, and so was keen to give this product a go. It's pretty simple - fry up the onion and chicken (although I imagine you could leave the onion out as there is onion in the sauce anyway), add the sauce and simmer for 20 to 25 minutes. There is an optional extra to add cream at the end, and I even had some ready to go, but completely forgot to put it in!

So easy peasy to make - perfect for those nights when you are in a hurry. I cooked some rice and made naan bread which made a nice filling meal for the 3 of us with another full serving left over. I completely forgot to cook up any vegetables so I was slightly reassured that the sauce is 60% vegetables... even if that is mainly tomato puree!

First impressions were great - my 5 year old was exclaiming loudly that I'm the best mummy in the world for cooking something she likes and hubby looked pretty happy too. After taste testing I asked how they were liking it and Miss 5 said she really liked it but it was just a little too spicy for her. Hubby agreed (both aren't fans of spice!) and I noticed that both ate a huge full plate (and hubby had seconds so it can't have been unbearably spicy!). The packet is actually labelled as mild so I imagine adding the cream would have helped tone it down a bit. I noticed the spice but personally quite liked it and I agree with the mild label.

The taste is stronger and less creamy than most food court butter chicken, but I liked the taste. It's certainly better than other butter chickens I have bought in a jar, but I wouldn't rave over the authenticity. I liked it though, and I'd certainly buy one of these again to have in the cupboard, but I guess it comes down to personal taste as to whether it's better than some of the other brands out there.

Value for Money
Number of Uses
Personal Choice
websam   Review #10826 - Dated: 15th of March, 2014
  Author: websam

Wattie's Indian Creations - Butter Chicken is what I am writing about today. It is part of the every growing creations range that Wattie's have brought to the market, they are in pouch instead of a can which makes it nice and easy to open.

Who doesn't like a great butter chicken, I have to say I am quite partial to one when I get a chance so it was a no-brainer at giving this one a go. I followed the instructions, and well there isn't much to these as almost everything is in the pouch, except for some onion and chicken which I quickly located and sorted out.

Opening the packet you greeted by something that is definitely Indian, and it smells great. That butter chicken smell hits your nostrils and fills you with the sense of yum as you know it will soon be in your stomach.

This is where the review goes a little bit downhill and it is probably personal preference but their is something quite overpowering in the sauce and I didn't like it. I'm not sure what it was, but it was some type of herb or spice and for me it over powered it. It does suggest on the back adding some cream, and I think this is probably a must to get the flavour right, I didn't have any cream at home so went without.

Would I buy this again? Yes I would if it was on special, there are better tasting products out there and I would go with one of them. But like I said you really need to taste this yourself and see if you like it. I notice some of the other reviews state how thick it was, to me it was very runny, just depends on what you are used to I guess.

Value for Money
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Personal Choice
ktcat   Review #10789 - Dated: 10th of March, 2014
  Author: ktcat

[pic^https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t31/q77/s720x720/1796946_10152326063395955_1664481431_o.jpg^pic]My husband took on the task of creating Butter Chicken for dinner. I came out to the living area to be greeted with the delicious aroma of Indian food. Butter Chicken would have to be my favourite Indian meal. I am not into to much spice, so the 'mild' rating on the packet appealed to me.

I worked in the afternoon, so a crockpot dinner was perfect. In fact, we are always after options for a crockpot meal that will suit the whole family and ones that are quick to prepare for days when we are busy. It means that we have a list of alternatives to giving in and popping down to the takeaway shop!

My husband followed the recipe on the back of the packet. The ingredient list was very simple and the only items we needed to have available in the house to begin the meal were chicken, onion and the Wattie's Butter Chicken packet. I like a creamy butter chicken, so I felt it necessary to add the cream. It also helped make it nice and mild for the kids. My husband would have preferred with without the cream as he prefers a spicier curry and thought the sauce was a bit bland. This is where we disagree - it had a great flavour in my opinion.

We served the butter chicken on a moulded cup of rice (I pressed the rice into a cup and then turned it out onto the plate). We added a few veges on the side and to compliment the Indian flavour, we made up some popadoms in the microwave (just a minute required to cook each one) and I picked up some naan bread from the Indian takeaway down the road.

Our 2 year old loved the meal but our four year old wasn't too sure about it. I think it is worth trying again, even with the lack of excitement from our son as he still has young tastebuds and if we want him to eat a variety of food, we have to keep presenting it to him!

When I went to the supermarket (Countdown in Chartwell), after using the Butter Chicken sauce, I decided to have a look at the shelves that they are presented on. I found something very interesting. I looked for the Wattie's Butter Chicken sauce and found that I couldn't see it. In fact I couldn't see any of the packets in that range. I was looking in the Indian section when I could see other butter chicken sauces. It turned out that I have to go to the other side of the same aisle to the section for other such sauces. I also found other butter chicken sauces there. It was interesting because as a consumer, I might go looking for a sauce like this but would never thing of looking in two different places. Perhaps it would be helpful if all of those sauces were on the same side of the same aisle!!

Value for Money
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Personal Choice
antmcf   Review #10777 - Dated: 9th of March, 2014
  Author: antmcf

We are a big fans of Butter Chicken in this household, even the children! We often find it can be hard to find a pre-mix curry sauce that suits all of our tastes... I prefer mine a bit spicy than the rest of the house so can often find that some mixes are a bit tasteless. However this Wattie's one proved a hit with everyone! Lots of flavour with just enough spice to keep us all happy!

We loved our easy the directions were to follow... simply brown chicken and add the sauce and off you go! No having to add extras like cream etc (though you can if you like!) My 11 year old daughter is very capable of making this for dinner for us all.... YAH!

I have used this sauce for a couple of uses now..... we have had butter chicken on rice as per the packet suggestions, but it also cooked up wonderfully when I made it into a butter chicken pie. I browned the chicken, added some stir-fry veges and then the sauce....reduced the sauce down a little bit and then out into a pastry case. Delicious indeed!

My whole household would recommend this to everyone.... it's very cost effective and so simple while having a delicious flavour. Give it a try today!

Value for Money
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Personal Choice
tessak   Review #10682 - Dated: 22nd of February, 2014
  Author: tessak

We love butter chicken in our house - by butter chicken I mean the flavour, because it is very rarely we actually have butter chicken, we tend to have butter lamb more, and the occasional butter mince lol...It is more a case of what meat is on hand. Obviously I was determined to do this one with chicken, as I really wanted to see what it was like done properly for once. However the night we were having it, I forgot to buy chicken, and we had fresh lamb in the fridge, so butter lamb it was *hehe*

This is now one of my favourite butter chicken mixes, so thick, and full of flavour, and the aroma, oh the aroma...my entire house smelt so so good, it was wafting through from all directions. Like all the other watties creations sauces, they are easy to open, easy to use, and so delicious. The packets are not only jammed packed with a brilliantly created sauce, but they are also jammed packed with easy instructions, ingreds list, and meal ideas (chefs tips)...what more could you ask for. In fact, in the short space of time it takes you to read all the fantastic info on the packet, you can put the meal together and its all done! Quick, convenient, full of flavour, readily accepted by all the family. Well done Watties.

Value for Money
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Personal Choice
Cherrycola27   Review #10596 - Dated: 13th of February, 2014
  Author: Cherrycola27

[pic^https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t31/q72/s720x720/1599792_427697160697371_861102024_o.jpg^pic]I have to say that I simply loved this Wattie's creations Butter Chicken - main thing is - it tasted so yummy!! We often make butter chicken in our house but it has always been from store brought sauces as I've got no idea how to make it from scratch using the right herbs and spices. We've always enjoyed making and eating butter chicken at home, however still enjoy the stuff brought from our local Indian takeaways as it just tastes so much better. Well, I think those days are finally over! Wattie's Creations Butter Chicken really is that good - it tastes as good as the local takeaways!

It took about half an hour all up to prepare, cook and serve dinner - perfect when you are limited for time after a busy day at work. Like all the other Wattie's creations it is only a matter of cooking your meat, onion and any vegetables before adding the sauce. It really is that simple. This time round we stuck with traditional and simply used cut up chicken breast, diced up onion and the suggested cream from the chefs tips on the packet. I don't think I would make this again without the cream, it really brought the meal together and for us personally also meant it wasn't too spicy.

The packaging on all of these Wattie's creations is simply the best - it actually opens/tears where it is meant to and allows you to tip the sauce out with ease. I knew as soon as I opened the packet that this was going to be yummy - it was all in the smell that escaped! Once opened and I saw the colour I also thought hmm this looks so much like the stuff we get from the takeaways. As I was waiting for the chicken to brown I was reading the back of the packet and discovered among other facts that this has all natural colours - I was really impressed with us and love this fact!!

We served our butter chicken on white rice cooked with a some cumin seeds for that real butter chicken combo. We didn't have any naan breads as when we have cooked butter chicken at home in the past with other brands of sauces there is never enough sauce so we have stopped bothering to have naans when we make our own butter chicken. This is the first time in a long time we so wished we had brought naans!! There is the perfect amount of sauce, enough to eat with a naan as well as mix through your rice. After eating our meal I was so totally full but was sitting here thinking yum I just wish I could keep eating, it was just that nice. I can't wait to have this again and totally recommend to others!! ^:D

Value for Money
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Personal Choice
mizim   Review #10553 - Dated: 10th of February, 2014
  Author: mizim

It proved hard to decide what to cook last night but in the end we went with the Butter Chicken.

My first thoughts on the packaging is how much I like the design, on the front the pictures are of various ingredients found in the sauce, so it was personalised for this particular sauce. Opening it is nice and easy which is a big plus as some packages like this are just too hard to open, don't rip well and you end up with bits sticking out from the top.

We decided to pop this one rice, the easy option, it was just deciding what to put in it that was the hard part. We ended up using a vegetarian 'meat', it is meant to be steak but I find it tends to work well with almost anything so we cut it up and threw it into the sauce, the 'meat' has a mushroom taste to it, but it actually worked really well with the butter chicken sauce. We then cut up some garlic, onion, potato and courgette into the mix.

Serving this up from the pan, eating it nice and hot, and boy was it hot! I did find that it was too spicy for me, but I just put some cottage cheese on top and it all came together to make a delicious meal. Seeing that I can get rid of the heat and still have a yummy meal I may buy this again.

Value for Money
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Personal Choice
CorrinaS   Review #10523 - Dated: 7th of February, 2014
  Author: CorrinaS

In my house generally most of the cooking is done by me. If my husband cooks its usually a trip to the local takeaways or something that is easy to just through in the oven. However I put him on cooking duty the other night and he decided that the butter chicken sounded quick and easy so decided to give it a try. Within half an hour he was dishing up perfect butter chicken! Like the other Wattie's creations it is a matter of frying off your meat and onion and adding the sauce.

As soon as you open the packet and the aroma starts escaping you know you are in for a treat! The flavour was the perfect butter chicken mix very similar to what you get at my favourite Indian takeaway place. The only thing I found is that they suggested adding a bit of cream which we did but it made the whole thing a little too mild for me. If mild is how you like it or if serving it up to children then I recommend adding the cream. If you prefer medium curries simply leave the cream out.

For really quick and simple meal you can also grab some Uncle Ben's two minute microwave rice. The night we made it we had no naan bread in the house so we put some garlic butter on some wraps and cooked it in the oven. It made a very yummy quick and easy side to the dish. I would recommend giving the creation mix a go to anyone who really enjoys a good butter chicken.

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Printed at 04:55:34pm on Sunday 02nd June 2024