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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Food > Confectionery > Roshen Wafer Rolls
  ProdID: 2994 - Roshen Wafer RollsManufactured byRoshen Product Score: 8.5 
Roshen Wafer Rolls

Price : $3.59 pack
Supplier :
Available : at selected quality retailers

Available in three varieties:
    •  Dark Wafer Rolls with Chocolate filling (Red pack)
    •  Vanilla Wafer Rolls with Vanilla Cream filling (Orange pack)
    •  Vanilla Wafer Rolls with Hazelnut Cream filling (Green pack)

Great as a guilty snack, always welcome as a treat for the kids, amazing for stirring your hot drink, or just as something to leave on the coffee table for guests to enjoy.
Value for Money
Personal Choice
sezb72   Review #4700 - Dated: 27th of July, 2011
  Author: sezb72

Roshen Wafer Rolls were a tasty treat. They had plenty of flavour. Some of my friends liked these and others found them a bit 'too much'.

My definite favourite is the Milk Cream - decadent, milky and sweet, but not too overpowering (so I could quietly scoff a couple of these ones!).

I personally didn't like the Chocolate Cream version (despite being a big chocolate lover) as I found it just too strong tasting. The upside though is you probably wouldn't over indulge as they're so rich. Even the kids found them quite strong tasting.

Family and friends consensus was for the Hazelnut Cream version. I put these out at a party and they were gone within five minutes (so fast in fact that I got only one to taste - much to my disappointment). All reports were great - with everyone loving the hazelnutty taste. Even those who weren't typically hazelnut fans had positive things to say, and many mistook it for a creamy chocolate!

These Roshen wafer rolls are crunchy to bite outside with soft creamy flavouring inside. You definitely know you've eaten a 'treat' with this range. I thought their Weight Watchers ProPoints value might be off the scale but it was surprisingly not. Three wafer rolls were between 3 and 4 points (depending on the flavour) so around 1 point per roll they make a great treat if you're feeling decadent.

I've tried similar types of wafer rolls (though I'm not a big consumer as they're typically quite pricey). These were probably not quite as good in my opinion as I prefer a more subtle flavour, but from memory the price for Roshen is perhaps a little cheaper.

Certainly my friends and family snarfled the wafer rolls up (not sure if that's a real word, but as close as you can get to 'inhaling' food!) and were asking for more. My three year old managed to 'slight of hand' about 6 wafer rolls, and was most disappointed when there were none left. Good party food!

Value for Money
Personal Choice
NZGeekGirl   Review #4670 - Dated: 24th of July, 2011
  Author: NZGeekGirl

These are another divine product from Roshen. They are incredibly creamy and the centre is just melt in the mouth yummy.

The Dark Wafer Rolls (red pack) had just the right dark chocolate kind of "bite" that made them taste decadent and delightful. The Vanilla Wafer Rolls with hazelnut filling (green pack) are wonderfully creamy and a really nice sweet treat. The Vanilla Wafer with vanilla cream filling (orange pack) are the sweetest of the three and you wouldn't want to eat to too many but perfect for those with a really sweet tooth (you know, like me!)

I don't think any of us (including the kids Miss 4.5 and Mstr 1) had any preference, all went down with equal enjoyment.

We enjoyed them best on the side of our coffee as a treat and they were also enjoyed when we put a mixed assortment out for guests on a plate.

Price wise, they do seem a bit expensive for having in the pantry on a regular basis but they are something that we would buy for when having guests over as a special something to serve up.

Value for Money
Personal Choice
Missvicqui   Review #4653 - Dated: 22nd of July, 2011
  Author: Missvicqui

I love wafer rolls so was very excited to be chosen to review these.

I was slightly disappointed in the size as I was used to the tall ones that come out at xmas time at pak n save but my disappointment faded immediately as i started eating the wafer rolls with vanilla cream filling (orange pack). These beat the pak n save ones hands down!

There is soooo much delicious filling, it was chocker and I couldnt stop eating them. If you have a sweet tooth you will love this flavour.

The hazelnut cream filling wafers (green pack) are very nice. I'm not a huge fan of hazelnut but it wasnt overpowering in these rolls.

The dark rolls with chocolate filling (red pack) was my least favourite.
I found the chocolate filling too much, too much like cocoa :(

Another nice thing about these wafers is that these are not crumbly so you dont feel piggy when you cant stop eating them :)

These are worth trying, you will love them, I did (my family would have if I shared them) ^lol

Value for Money
Personal Choice
tessak   Review #4635 - Dated: 20th of July, 2011
  Author: tessak

Ok we have been extremely lucky to review all 3 flavours of the Roshen Wafer rolls, and so the scores for taste and personal choice are slightly lower than if I were just reviewing the one flavour, but these scores are for all 3 combined (hope that makes sense)..

Dark Wafer Rolls with Chocolate filling (Red pack): Ok these have got to be some of the most amazing wafers I have ever tasted. They are truly amazing, almost sinful :-) The rich, creamy smooth filling and crispy wafer, the perfect flavour, combined with the crispy wafer outside...Simply perfect!! Adored by all members of our household (aged 4yrs to 35 yrs) and I can be honest in saying did not last longer than an hour once opened.

Vanilla Wafer Rolls with Hazelnut Cream filling (Green pack): These ones were the second favourite of the three, possibly the fact they are not that wonderful rich chocolate taste that wins us all over that stopped them taking first place, but other than that they are also perfect. The Hazelnut filling is not too strong, just the right amount of taste, and again liked my all members of the household.

Unfortunately the Vanilla Wafer Rolls with Vanilla Cream filling (Orange pack) were not liked by anyone to be honest. These were found to be too sweet, almost sickly, even the children were not impressed and discarded them after first bite. I was quite excited about them myself, as I love condensed milk, but sadly I just could not finish mine either. The sweetness was just too over bearing unfortunately... and this is where the scores are lowered on the score board for us ^:(

These are really highly recommended by us. If you do not have a sweet tooth then best to stay away from the vanilla cream filled ones, but if sweet is your thing these are definitely the ones for you. All three have a higher than normal element of sweetness, but the vanilla cream are just higher again.

Dark Wafer Rolls with Chocolate filling (Red pack) = 10/10
Vanilla Wafer Rolls with Vanilla Cream filling (Orange pack) = 9.5/10
Vanilla Wafer Rolls with Hazelnut Cream filling (Green pack) = 4/10

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Printed at 05:53:38pm on Sunday 02nd June 2024