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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Food > Confectionery > EXTRA Sugarfree Gum - Peach
  ProdID: 274 - EXTRA Sugarfree Gum - PeachManufactured byWrigley's Product Score: 4.1 
EXTRA Sugarfree Gum - Peach

Price : $1.00 +/-
Supplier :
Available : At the checkouts

Chewing Extra Sugarfree Gum is good for your teeth. Chewing creates saliva, which helps fight plaque by raising the pH level in your mouth, stopping acids from harming your teeth.

And now in Peach flavour.
Value for Money
Personal Choice
  Review #14925 - Dated: 30th of September, 2015

I decided to purchase this gum on my way to work today as I thought I would give something new a go and it was first to catch my eye on the shelf.

It has a nice strong but pleasant smell on opening the packet. It is very clearly labeled so you are aware exactly what flavour to expect.

I only needed one piece as the taste was very apparent and any more may have been over powering. I disposed of it just before the one hour mark and was still able to tell that it was peach flavour. I find with most other flavoured gums the taste vanishes almost immediately so it was a nice change for the taste to still be apparent.

The gum did not have a gritty texture as I find with some brands, and it also did not toughen as I was chewing it.

My 7 year old Son also tried the gum and he found it "awesome". He is quite fussy with gum usually and only lasts a few minutes on a piece, however today he was happily chewing away quite some time later.

Would be more then happy to purchase this again and to recommend to anyone as I found it ticked all the boxes for me, great taste, great texture, and the kids loved it.

Value for Money
Personal Choice
JulietteNZ   Review #6604 - Dated: 1st of October, 2012
  Author: JulietteNZ

I don't purchase gum often but saw this in a local dairy and decided to take the risk. Upon opening the packet I did notice a strange smell but as gum is quite processed thought I'd take the risk and try it anyway. There is no doubting a peach flavour is there, BUT after chewing for a few minutes another taste emerges which I guess could be due to the additives used in 'sugarfree' products. (I've tasted this before in some other 'sugarfree' things)

Overall not impressed. Not a realistic peach flavour, not a nice aftertaste.

Value for Money
Personal Choice
mandaz79   Review #1581 - Dated: 10th of November, 2006
  Author: mandaz79

I too purchased this product and hated the taste. if i remember correctly, i think it had a rather unpleasant smell too. Kind of reminded me of cat pee.
Certainly wouldn't buy again!

Value for Money
Personal Choice
boggie   Review #300 - Dated: 25th of June, 2004
  Author: boggie

Well the only reason it gets a 10 for price is because i got my sample for free! Thank the boss.

It does have a very stong smell when the wrapper is pulled off, almost a cleaning chemical smell. I found the taste to be quite pleasent when first put in mouth, but it soon becomes quite bitter and metallic tasting.

If I was needing a fruit flavoured hit I would shop around before I had to buy these.

Value for Money
Personal Choice
Tucker   Review #298 - Dated: 24th of June, 2004
  Author: Tucker

I actually bought the 3-pack, being as I am, a fan of Peach flavoured stuff. After only a single piece of gum, I regret my decision.

The smell, even before I opened the pack, was starting to make me feel a little tight in the tummy. I tore open the pack (very easy to open, I will admit) and extracted a nugget of gum, and styarted to chew. There was a burst of peach flavour, but it wasn't a very nice peach flavour... it tasted strange and not entirely pleasant.

After about 5 minutes, I couldn't stand the bitter aftertaste any longer and spat the gum out. Not impressed at all.

Overall, it might appeal to some, but not to me. The Phenylalanine (and it's insipent risk of a laxative effect if you chew too much of the stuff) has always been low on my list of acceptable additives to any food product, but it really wasn't a smart move on this one.

I think I'll stick to their Wild Mint Drops as these are proving to be a real hit for me. Followed closely by the Lemon flavoured Drops.

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Printed at 11:21:58am on Friday 07th June 2024