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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Software > Graphics > PLUGIN: Sinedots II
  ProdID: 213 - PLUGIN: Sinedots IIDeveloped byPhilipp Spoeth Product Score: 9.5 
PLUGIN: Sinedots II

Price : FREE
Supplier :
Available : http://www.philipp-spoeth.de/

DragonFly's Sinedots II V1.03

This Filter is an extended Version of my first Filter called Sinedots. Mayor new features are Antialiasing, color support and slightly more control. I decided to enhance it due to the enourmous positive response.

If you do some interesting work with this filter I am interested to see the results. So please don't hesitate to show me. Interesting settings are also welcome.

Another very important part is the Interface. Actually this filter is a testbed for the framework of my forthcoming commercial filterpack.

This filter is free but... If you intend to redistribute this filter in any commercial way you need my permission first!!!

In all other cases you may redistribute this filter as long as you:
1) Mail me at 'Philipp@Philipp-Spoeth.de' and tell me!!!
2) Distribute the unmodified files only together as one including this text file!

Mail me for any comments, suggestion, bug reports, etc.
I am also interested in good ideas for new Plug-Ins.

Philipp Spth

    •  16Bit support
    •  Scripting Support making it actionable in Photoshop.
Value for Money
Ease of Use
Tucker   Review #213 - Dated: 23rd of April, 2004
  Author: Tucker

Ever since I was about 4 years old and someone gave me a Spirograph and a book on graphic mathematics (I mean hey, what sort of present is that for a FOUR YEAR OLD anyway?!) I have been hooked on funky mathematical images. 2d, 3d, 4d, Nd... it's all tennis balls to pass the time between my visual cortex and my cognitive centres.

After many years of unsuccessful attempts to find a decent SinusDots maker, I stumbled across a link to the older version of this filter. I downloaded them both (plus some other cool plugins) from the author's homesite and went to playtime with them.

After many hours (and commentary from a co-worker who was also playing with them, after I sent him the link) of random experimenting, I went hunting online for other graphic nuts, and found a multitude of websites with various designs created by this plugin, and many of them had even posted the settings they used. After a quick copy-n-paste from the webpage into the textfile this plugin uses as a Config and Settings savefile, I was soon playing with a whole raft of new designs, many of which I found good use for.

This plugin is mighty powerful, and will give many hours of mindless fun to those who sit down, power up Photoshop, and drift off into VisualSpace... to all other Occipinauts (Think about it, it's derived from the latin word Occipital, meaning Visual), I would strongly suggest that you make sure you have PLENTY of time to play with this, because you can easily spend HOURS playing with the randomize option alone!

Overall, massive plugin that I plan to use, abuse, and overextend... and see what happens to my artworks. :)

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Printed at 07:07:24pm on Sunday 02nd June 2024