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Product reviews on kiwireviews.nz : Monday 20th January 2025 - 11:28:34

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HELP: Submitting new Listings...

PLEASE NOTE: This feature is available only to GOLD members.

Points to think about when submitting a new product into the database:
      •  Try to provide as much information obtained from official product or service suppliers advertising, etc. Opinions are for the review itself. Decriptions, not impressions.

      •  Prices and Specifications are great, but other important information should also be included. Examples being retail price, where it can be found, who made it, performed it, wrote it, directed it... you get the idea.

      •  All product listings have a space for a picture. You don't have to supply one, but if you do, please make sure it fits 200 pixels wide, 200 pixel high, 24bit colour depth, JPeg compressed, and under 10k file size please. If possible, use official product shots, or images of the actual product, etc. If all else fails, just click the NO IMAGE button please and leave it to us.

      •  Mind your language. We are open to the whole family, young and old alike. We DO remove abusive language, profanity, and the repeat offenders. Have a nice day.

      •  Please DO NOT attempt to create or code HTML links, JAVA applets, or other script-based command systems into the listing. We scan it, we ban it. We can make links if you request it and the listing warrants it.

HELP: Submitting a Review...

PLEASE NOTE: This feature is available only to SILVER and GOLD members.

Points to think about when submitting a new review into the database:

      •  This is your chance to have your say. Keep it to the point, but feel free to be descriptive if that is your way. There is no such thing as 'too long', but please, no need to rant or waffle on.

      •  Commentary on where you got it, how you felt about buying it, what colour options, how it smelt... it's all grist for the mill, so go for it. Ask any author, the details make the story.

      •  It's not always polite, but it always good planning to aim for the lowest common denominator. Not everyone has read the Oxford Dictionary... some can't even spell it. Don't use a big word when a diminutive one will suffice.

      •  See above re: Family Site and language. Ditto for the 'No Code' clause. Please get the hint fast.

      •  For more information, you should read this blog post: http://kiwireviews.blogspot.com/2012/01/what-and-why.html

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