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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Hygiene Products > Personal Hygiene > Soused Soapery - 6 Foot Rabbit - Sugar Scrub
  ProdID: 8091 - Soused Soapery - 6 Foot Rabbit - Sugar ScrubBrand:Soused Soapery Product Score: 9.2 
Soused Soapery - 6 Foot Rabbit - Sugar Scrub

Price : $20.00
Supplier :
Available : via online store and selected outlets

Spiced Apple Scent. Great for maintaining healthy skin, gentle exfoliation, moisturising and conditioning.

Ingredients: Sugar, Sunflower Oil, Shea Butter, Emulsifying Wax, Sweet Almond Oil, Stearic Acid, Avocado Oil, Vitamin E, Benzyl Alcohol & Dehydroacetic Acid (ECOCERT & COSMOS compliant), Fragrance Oil, Bentonite Clay, Mica, Cinnamon

***DISCLAIMER: While each individual scrub will use the same recipe particular to that scrub, they never come out exactly the same, so the picture here may be slightly different to what you receive.***
Value for Money
Ease of Use
Personal Choice
mumoffour   Review #20233 - Dated: 9th of December, 2018
  Author: mumoffour

I have to admit that I am new to all this fancy bath stuff, due to having Eczema. This is why I was excited to review this Soused Soapery - 6 Foot Rabbit - Sugar Scrub. I am also a lover of anything that is Apple flavour / smell. Reading this was "Spiced Apple Scent", I was in heaven. After looking at other products from this company, I wish I had seen them long before christmas time, I would of put them on my request list from my husband.

The names they have for their items are so funny but cute. I can only imagine those smells are going to be wicked too. This one Spiced Apple Scent was so powerful, in a good way. You could smell it before opening the jar, to me a great sign of the actual smell. Open and you get a mouth watering need for apple pie or apple crumble. The colour of green and yellow was interesting but really works.

With being new to all bath products like this, it did feel funny when first putting on the skin. Had to have a wee laugh at myself trying it. But I can actually not say a bad thing about this product. Smell is wonderful, colour is cool, the name is funny. Size of jar I think is great and so worth the price. Loved the label on this jar so cute and easy to read.

I am so going to recommend this company to others and will be buying more of their products for friends and family next year. Reading all the ingredients I am happy with everything that is in this scrub. As my skin feels so great after using this, and I have only used it 3 times so far.

Value for Money
Ease of Use
Personal Choice
alexmoulton   Review #20111 - Dated: 13th of November, 2018
  Author: alexmoulton

I have never really used a sugar scrub before. There were the odd occasions when I accidentally locked eyes with one of those vendors in the middle of the shopping mall, and ended up standing there rubbing weird salts and lotions into my hands, but I can say I've never really chosen to use one myself. But working in recycling, I've definitely used "gritty soap" many times to remove oil and grease from my hands, and have used Clearasil and Nivea exfoliating gels before when I get too many blackhead on my nose, so I've worked in the same family of products before.

The product comes in a reusable recycled jar, which is something that I encourage every company to get behind. Being in the recycling industry, I love to support companies that actively work to minimize waste.

I have no idea where the name 6 Foot Rabbit came from (is that the size they'd need to be to enjoy a fresh apple from the tree?) but I was still surprised when I opened the package. Whenever I see the word "Apple" I have a specific idea and smell in my head. No matter what words come before or after. In this case the scent is "Spiced Apple" instead of plain apple, and where I was expecting a refreshing "Green Skittle" or "Tangy Apple" scent, I was hit in the face with a pie. A warm apple pie, to be exact. With a yellow green marbled colouring (much like a lemon/lime sorbet...but don't eat this product), the scent is a strong mix of apple and cinnamon, and perhaps a slight hint of cloves as well.

I don't know whether scrubs usually come with some sort of scoop or applicator so I ended up just scraping some out with my fingers, and I did end up dropping some in the sink, which was a little wasteful, but that could no doubt simply be put down to me having no real idea what I was doing. As a male, using a sugar scrub is not a common thing that I've had to do before, and the drier texture of the product was something I was unprepared for.

The product is a sugar scrub (again, do not eat the product), which has smaller granules compared to salt scrubs, which makes it much less of an abrasive product when it comes to exfoliating skin. The use of Shea butter instead of coconut oil also means you aren't left with a greasy feeling afterwards. Everything simply feels smooth.

Wash the area of skin you wish to apply the scrub, gently massage the scrub into the area, and then rinse. A very simple process (if that is in fact how you use it) that leaves you smelling like a warm apple pie, and feeling incredibly smooth. at a price of $20, it's not a product that I would rush out to buy, as the price would make it a luxury product that as a male, is not necessary. But for $20 you certainly are capable of getting a good number of uses from it (depending on the size of the area you are applying it to of course).

Value for Money
Ease of Use
Personal Choice
savta   Review #20091 - Dated: 2nd of November, 2018
  Author: savta

When I was farming I used to often return to the house with an accumulation of muck all over me - especially my hands. Sugar was the go-to cure at these times. It would cut through the most persistent sticky deposits and greasy oil slicks; the procedure was to pre-wash the area with ordinary soap and water, then sprinkle sugar on to the persistent messy bits. A vigorous massage would then ensue, followed by a rinse under clean water. And repeat if needed! Lastly, a thick application of body lotion would soothe the dry, red skin again.

This memory came back when I opened this product. I was fascinated to see that the main ingredient is sugar! The similarities stopped there, however. As soon as I removed the inner clear plastic lid, I was greeted by a spicy wave of cinnamon and cloves. If that was not attraction enough, the colour was a plain green like that of a Granny Smith or a Sturmer Pippin. I could not wait to try it on my skin to see how it would work. I put one finger into the jar to test the texture and found it consisted of firm granules; my finger came out clean, but the scent of the product lingered for over half an hour.

I am always intrigued by descriptors which describe a product as a scrub, and stress that it will exfoliate (albeit in a gentle manner). I immediately start to think of myself as a piece of rough material that needs debridement! I prefer to think of such products as polishes, designed to smooth skin in a gentle way so as not to irritate or scratch.

I also wondered about the choice of the name "6 Foot Rabbit". Is it a reference to Elwood's invisible rabbit in the movie Harvey (where the rabbit is a constant companion) or does it mean that several rabbit's feet are luckier than just one? I could not decide, although of course it does not really matter; the main thing is what is actually in the jar and how well it delivers. I decided to put it to the test on my lower arms and legs. After several weeks of working outside in the sun, my skin had become quite rough to the point where it was catching on things!

So, after showering, I applied the scrub to my limbs and massaged it gently in. At first, I had a colourful smear of product which gradually melted as I massaged it with warm water. It became increasingly transparent, and finally rinsed off altogether. All this time I was enjoying the spiced apple scent which increased with the massaging, and lingered after my skin had been rinsed clean. I towelled off and inspected the now clean result. There was certainly an increased smoothness to the areas I had treated, but more important, there was no sign of dryness of redness. Quite the opposite in fact. This was a far cry from the days of sugar-and-elbow-grease.

Best of all? The effect seemed to be lasting; my legs did not revert to their usual summer roughness until several days had passed. In the meantime, the most telling difference was when I went to bed as the sheets did not come with me when I rolled over. The apple scent too was long lasting; I could still detect it several hours after getting out of the shower. So, expensive as this product may be, it should last if used judiciously. And as a present for a special occasion, it would be hard to beat. It has well-designed packaging - that inner plastic lid is useful for keeping the contents clean and fresh - and would not look out of place in the most upmarket of bathrooms.

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Printed at 07:10:53pm on Sunday 02nd June 2024