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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Books > Kids - General > Freak Street: Meet the Spysons
  ProdID: 6897 - Freak Street: Meet the SpysonsAuthor:Knife and Packer Product Score: 10.0 
Freak Street: Meet the Spysons

Price : $14.00
Supplier :
Available : Available Jan/Feb 2015

The Spysons are just your average, everyday family. Yes, they live in a top secret mission control bunker. Yes, their car is a classic spy model and can drive all by itself. Yes, they have a pet chameleon that is always in disguise. Yes, they are on a stake out in the middle of the night. Yes, their family motto is 'A Spyson is always suspicious'. But that is nothing out of the ordinary. Welcome to Freak Street, a street like any other until you take a closer look.
Value for Money
Personal Choice
kymmage   Review #15635 - Dated: 2nd of February, 2016
  Author: kymmage

My eldest daughter really enjoys the Knife and Packer book series. Freak Street is the first series she tried, but she probably loves the Wheelnuts books even better. When I showed her this book, she was keen but we were in the midst of reading something else at the time.

Since I wanted to get reading anyway, I figured I would read this to my youngest and then share it with my eldest later on. However, the kids had slightly different plans. The ritual for the last week as I have read this is, my eldest sneaking into her sisters room to listen to the story and then back to her room for her own book. The first two nights I didn't even notice, she was lurking on the stairs outside the door! By the end of the week she was blatantly sitting on the bed with her sister listening.

Now, Miss 3 has enjoyed many of the kids novels we have shared with her in the last 12 months, but she was not as engaged with the Spysons' story. She liked the pictures which were bright and bold. She certainly enjoyed flicking through and looking at all the pretty animals and spy gear. However, no surprises Miss 8 really enjoyed the book. She is into nature and conservation so this feed right into that for her. She also likes to watch birds in our garden just like Sophie Spyson does.

If your kid has enjoyed the previous Freak Street novels then this could be a good read for them. If they like Wheelnuts, these are a change of pace but still a fun read. For $14, it is cheaper than taking your kid to the movies and just as entertaining. I would suggest it's a better fit for a slightly older primary school child.

Value for Money
Personal Choice
rekebum   Review #15570 - Dated: 20th of January, 2016
  Author: rekebum

This is the first book in the "Freak Street" series we have read. The cover is very bright, colourful and eye catching. The book is set out in a comic book like style and easy to read. The chapters are short but manageable for young adults. The story is full of excitement. The series reminds me slightly of the "Captain Underpants" series. It has a distinct humour which in my opinion you will either love or hate. Much like the Captain Underpants Series there does not seem to be a middle ground. There is a lot of action, adventure and laughter.

I like that without reading the other books from the series you are introduced to the other families early on in the book and are able to make sense of and enjoy the book. It is an easy read and extremely hard to put down. The Spysons keep you guessing and you can not help but want more! I would recommend the series to boys aged 11 and up, the books would make a great gift for those hard to buy for boys. They are far from educational but sure are a lot of fun. The illustrations are awesome and any boy would enjoy them!

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Printed at 07:55:47pm on Sunday 02nd June 2024