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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Movies > Romantic > Man Up
  ProdID: 6809 - Man UpDirected byBen Palmer Product Score: 9.0 
Man Up

Price : $29.99
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Available : Now

From the producer of Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz & Paul and the director of The Inbetweeners movie, comes MAN UP, an honest, heart warming comedy about taking chances and rolling with the consequences. One night, two people, on a first date like no other.....

Meet Nancy (Lake Bell) 34, single, hung-over and exhausted by her well meaning but clueless friends' continual matchmaking. Nancy is done with dating. She's reached the end of her rope and is more than happy to hole up, seal up and resign herself to a life alone.

That is until Jack (Simon Pegg) mistakes Nancy for his blind date at Waterloo Station and she does the unthinkable and just.... goes with it. Because what if pretending to be someone else finally makes her man up and become her painfully honest, awesome uncoventional and slightly unstable true self?
Pay to see it again
Attention Span
'Warm Fuzzy' factor
shellcruise   Review #15193 - Dated: 1st of December, 2015
  Author: shellcruise

Like most Rom-Com's it takes a while to really get going and starts of rather slow but once it hits its peak it is surprisingly really good. There are a few laugh out loud moments and a lot of cringe or shut your eyes and smack your head moments but by the end you have a smile on your face and that fluffy feeling in your heart. Yes it is rather predictable boy meets girl, girl not who she says she is, he finds out in an awkward moment, they fight, they stick together because they forgot something, she leaves, he realises too late she is the one and then the chase scene, then predictably everyone lives happily ever after but really what rom-com movie isn't like that?

My husband vowed black and blue he did not want to watch and instead had his tablet pearched on his lap but by the end of the movie he was all in and said 'besides the tediously slow beginning it was surprisingly good not great but good' seriously high praises from him for a romantic movie. I was unsure what to expect and instead just let the movie play out before my eyes because it is one of those ones that you are unsure what to expect next especially with the bowling scene.

Its not a thinking movie of any kind but just a bumpy ride to a great ending. I love UK movies like Love Actually where they get mobs of people to chase down the woman at the end it is so neat to see people wanting love to survive. A good kind of christmas movie, except got nothing to do with christmas but still gives you that warm feeling.

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Printed at 07:53:29pm on Sunday 02nd June 2024