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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Beverages > Hot Brewed > Avalanche Drinking Chocolate - Divine
  ProdID: 5455 - Avalanche Drinking Chocolate - DivineBrand / Manufactured by:Avalanche Coffee Product Score: 9.4 
Avalanche Drinking Chocolate - Divine

Price : $2.99 / 225g
Supplier :
Available : at selected quality supermarkets

Sure to impress even the most discerning chocolate connoisseur. It's time to be selfish - this magnificent drinking chocolate is not an easy one to share.

    •  Gluten Free
Value for Money
Personal Choice
phyrandria   Review #21462 - Dated: 10th of March, 2020
  Author: phyrandria

This is my go-to for hot chocolate, I find it is better than other competitors as it is really creamy and chocolaty, yet not too sweet. Even if mixed with water (much better with heated milk, but is more costly.). I found its flavour pleasant and its aftertaste delicious.

It doesn't have a malted taste and is not easy to be confused with other competitors, it really stands out and at $2.99 for 225 gm its relatively cheap compare to other named brands. I would say this is one of the few situations where this is a superior alternative to the main brands of the supermarket aisle at a price you cannot pass up.

Me and my fiance prepare it half and half. Half milk, half water topped with marshmallows - there is nothing better on a cold winter's night huddled under a blanket or if it is too hot can be made into an amazing cold milkshake that everyone will enjoy. It is gluten-free and while doesn't contain milk itself is processed on a line that also packs milk products so keep an eye out for that! In short, it is cheap, tastes good, and is gluten-free.

Value for Money
Personal Choice
pickles1   Review #20789 - Dated: 4th of July, 2019
  Author: pickles1

I remember when this first came out. I bought it at Pac N Sav on a never ending quest to find good drinking chocolate. Yes, I like my chocolate milk and I especially like my hot chocolate. Nothing on the market was hitting that need. There was barely any chocolate milk and forget about hot cocoa mix. So, I bought it and took it home. I was not a fan. I could never get the lumps out and the taste was just not right. It wasn't thick enough. It wasn't sweet enough. It was just wrong. That container sat in the cupboard for a very long time, I believe, past it's expiration date.

Years passed and I happened to come across it at work when I needed a chocolate fix and there was no chocolate block to be had. I was pretty desperate and remembering my past experiences, I gave this guy another try. It tasted much better than my first go with it. It was a bit sweeter and I managed to get all the chunks to dissolve. Definitely, not my drinking chocolate of choice, but I can see how others, who aren't a sweet tooth like me, enjoy it.

Value for Money
Personal Choice
v.ingram   Review #14626 - Dated: 10th of August, 2015
  Author: v.ingram

The best hot chocolate we have come across by far! It certainly lives up to it's name of 'divine drinking chocolate'

We love that it is dark & not too sweet, making it not sickly to drink often (which we do!). It has a great price point for such a quality product and we find it far better value for money than other similar products.

Being gluten free means that all of my friends can drink it when they come around & I have converted quite a few to drinking this as well.

We drink this with both hot water (even though it says it is not designed to add water too) and cold milk and both are great. We found 1 good teaspoon enough & even with that the cocoa does sink to the bottom of the cup quite quickly but the trick is to drink it quickly or give the cup a bit of a swirl half way through. My Husband is a bit more of a sweet tooth than myself so he enjoys it with a teaspoon of sugar but I love it just the way it is.

This is definitely our number one choice for drinking chocolate in our family. Perhaps it is time to try some other Avalanche products too...

Value for Money
Personal Choice
ktcat   Review #12179 - Dated: 28th of July, 2014
  Author: ktcat

I am not a milk drinker but I do like a good hot chocolate! The mission for me is to find ways to make one without milk and without the nasty taste of rice milk or soy milk. I often just use a couple of teaspoons of drinking chocolate powder and boiling water. I tried that with the Divine Drinking Chocolate and I enjoyed it. After making the hot chocolate in this way, I read the instructions and saw that it is supposed to be made with skim milk. Regardless, I enjoyed it how I usually make a hot chocolate.

We have a milk frother and the kids love to have fluffy milk or hot chocolates. I added a bit of the powder to the milk as it was frothing up and it produced a delicious chocolate fluffy for them. My husband also made a hot chocolate according to the directions on the side of the packet and he really liked it. He found it creamy and velvety. He isn't into overly sweet things and he found that the level of sweetness was about right.

Of course, I had to get a little more adventurous than my simple test thus far. I had a bit of coconut cream left over from another recipe and thought that chocolate and coconut go very nicely together. I put some ice, watered down coconut cream (would more likely use coconut milk for this sort of recipe but didn't have any in the cupboard) and about three teaspoons of drinking chocolate mixed with a bit of water into the blender. Once that had all blended up, I tasted it. It had the yummy flavour of chocolate and coconut mixed together. Even though it tasted great, I couldn't help experimenting a bit further. I made up a shot of coffee and poured it in. Now that was delicious. I did make the mistake of adding a further shot of coffee. That drowned out the coconut and chocolate flavour. I would stick to a single shot from now on.

I found that adding a little of the drinking chocolate to whipped cream gave a delightful chocolate flavour. It added enough sweetness to it as well. This is a trick I tried with another of the Avalanche products and I will keep that idea up my sleeve for the future.

I love the name "Divine Drinking Chocolate". I think that it gives the idea of a luxurious drink. Even though don't drink milk, I could see that the heated milk and drinking chocolate combination looked pretty good.

The packaging for this product is attractive and looks classy. I am impressed that the price isn't over the top and quite affordable for families. I think that it would stand out on the supermarket shelves as something that would appeal to adults when looking for something for their children and also for themselves.

Value for Money
Personal Choice
alexmoulton   Review #12174 - Dated: 28th of July, 2014
  Author: alexmoulton

I was a bit apprehensive trying this chocolate powder, after trying the banana, and strawberry flavour, and finding them tasting a bit odd, but this is not the case for this chocolate mix.

The directions mention that this is best served with trim milk, and is not designed to be mixed with water, which is great to see, as many people will assume that it can be used either way. Myself, I am lactose intolerant, however, so I was forced to try it with soy milk. The only issue I had with it, was that it acted similar to 'Milo' in that it doesn't mix very well with cold or even warm soy milk. I'd definitely recommend a full minute and a half in the microwave before attempting to mix it in, or you will be drinking chunks of powder.

But once I got the temperature right, so that it would mix properly, I was immediately impressed with the flavour. It was not overly strong, and wasn't too sugary, in fact it reminded me of the flavour of hot chocolate that one would expect to get from a 'Wild Bean Cafe'. The flavour comes across soft and creamy, and was very enjoyable to drink. Unfortunately, half of the pack is already gone, because I've started mixing it in with everything else; the baking, ice cream, and smoothies.

A very versatile powder, that is well balanced in flavour, and comes at a good price.

Value for Money
Personal Choice
Jopukeko   Review #12041 - Dated: 16th of July, 2014
  Author: Jopukeko

Avalanche's Divine Drinking Chocolate will never be accused of false advertising. It is just as it claims Divine. It has been my nightly indulgence since I was given some to review. It is so easy to prepare. Two minutes of warming the cup of milk in the microwave on medium high and then I add a heaped (as heaped as I can get it) teaspoon of the powder, stir and then drink.

As the label says it is rich cafe style. When I took my first sip it was just like I was drinking something from a cafe rather than a powder I'd added to my warm milk. It is just the right sweetness for me. I did try it with marshmellows one night when I was treating the kids to one but I was too sweet for me. I had to take the marshmellows out. My girls have never enjoyed hot drinks but they both took a sip of mine the first time I made it and now they love it as much as I do. I am not sure if this is a good thing but it does give me another reward to use before bed.

I was surprised to find out how affordable this product was. I was expecting to pay twice as much for such quality. As a bonus I am only not adding as much to my milk as they suggest so probably get 25 servings, rather than the 15 the label states.The little canister it comes in is fuller than most similar products which is a pleasant surprise. The canister makes for easy storage and looks good on the bench too.

This is one product that will be on our shopping list throughout winter. There is nothing better than curling up on a cold night under a blanket with a hot chocolate and a good book. Thanks KIWIreviews and Avalanche for introducing me to another great product.

Value for Money
Personal Choice
nerdalert1101   Review #12007 - Dated: 14th of July, 2014
  Author: nerdalert1101

As the name of this product suggests, this chocolate drinking powder is truely divine. When I was little, Milo was the preferred choice for drinking chocolate, but when my Dad bought a container of this stuff at the supermarket, I was sceptical at first, as I am one of those "lucky" people who are naturally resistant to change, but after drinking it for a while, I fell in love. Replacing this mixture with the Milo in my method for making a decent cup of hot chocolate, I found that the resulting drink was more sweet, and was actually quite creamy.

The chocolate flavour was definitely there, and while the mixture was sweet, it wasn't too sweet. I once made a hot chocolate using this stuff, but it was in a metal bottle, so the heat from the boiling water radiated out way too fast, so the drink became ice cold pretty soon, however, the drink was still quite nice even when cold. This means that this drink can be used to both make a nice chocolate shake to cool down the internal systems on a hot day, or warm your throat and stomach on a cold winter's night.

Unfortunately, I have not yet experimented with this drink, but when I create something with this powder, I will post it on the KIWIreviews Facebook page for all of you too see, I'm thinking of using this stuff to replace the cocoa powder in a chocolate cake and/or chocolate icing. The price is reasonable, it fits into the Goldilocks zone when you consider the aspects of portion sizes, quality, and the general profit of the producers and distributors. Overall, I am impressed with the quality of this product, and I think that Avalanche is now my preferred brand of drinking chocolate.

Value for Money
Personal Choice
mizim   Review #11862 - Dated: 2nd of July, 2014
  Author: mizim

We are a family that likes a good hot chocolate drink, Milo has been a staple in my life for as long as I can remember, and whilst nothing can replace it, Avalanche Divine Drinking Chocolate can join it up on the shelf (well out of the reach of Miss Three).

My first cup of this was half boiled water and half milk just for a quick drink and I agree that one needs to follow the directions on this drink. The second time that I had this I ensured to heat some milk on the stove and added just a teaspoon (instead of the tablespoon suggested) and oh my gosh this was so good! I made a cup for the whole family and it barely had time to cool down and very quickly my three kids and my husband were all asking me for more.

My kids requested this with their breakfast and so I thought, why not have a treat and heated up the milk and added just half a teaspoon per bowl. The kids devoured their breakfast and were most satisfied. I then decided to add this to my coffee and O M G *drool* my favourite way to drink coffee now. The great thing about this also has to be the price, it is reasonable and I would happily buy more.

Value for Money
Personal Choice
Cherrycola27   Review #11674 - Dated: 22nd of June, 2014
  Author: Cherrycola27

Avalanche divine drinking chocolate is by the far the best I have had in a very long time. In fact I'd go as far as saying its the best hot chocolate I've ever had at home (I don't think I'll ever beat a cafe brought hot chocolate but this definitely comes close!). With a very big added bonus of this product being gluten free (the other brand of hot choc in our house isn't) - I know I will be buying this product for my family over and over again. While we aren't gluten free specifically ourselves, we have lots of friends n family that are so its nice to know I have an option for them when they pop in for a cuppa

One of the first things I noticed on opening this product is the fantastic lid - it actually "clips" on not like other containers and I am pretty sure I will be re-using this container in some way for that reason. The packaging is great, simple but stands out and contains everything you need to know. There is however some slight differences in serving sizes per say... Under the directions 'how to enjoy avalanche drinking chocolate' it states to add 1 heaped tablespoon of hot chocolate to your milk. However on the 'Nutritional Information' the serving sizes are based on 2 teaspoons. I only mention it as it was enough for me to ponder hmmm well I wonder how much I should use (especially the first time I was trying this product). At the end of the day though everyone makes hot chocolate to their own taste and preferences so its not a biggie. I tried this hot chocolate out with 2 teaspoons and it wasn't enough for my liking so the next time I tried out a tablespoon full (though I wouldn't say it was a heaped spoon) and much preferred it made this way.

As the directions state - this product isn't designed to mix with hot water - but of course I had to try it anyway. It still made a perfectly nice drink but it didn't make the DIVINE hot chocolate it does when mixed with milk. The flavour is really delicious, rich and full bodied but not too sweet or fake chocolate tasting (you'll understand what I mean if you've ever had a bad hot chocolate)! While trying to get healthier/loose weight probably my biggest fear as been going without chocolate - I really thought it was going to be my biggest challenge this past week. It was made so much easier with the treat of having this hot chocolate once a day!! It was as good as having a whole chocolate bar (but so much better for me) so made for a fantastic treat.

I heated my milk in the microwave and the third or maybe it was the fourth time round, I discovered a little secret... If you stir in your hot chocolate into your milk before microwaving (it doesn't really mix but stays lumpy on the top) an then microwave, stopping a couple of times to gently stir.. you end up with a really yummy slightly frothy top to your hot chocolate like you would get in the cafe! Yum this really does make an amazing hot chocolate. I didn't even need to add any sugar at all (and I normally have at least 1 teaspoon of sugar in any hot drink I have).

Naturally, hot chocolate and marshmallows go hand in hand so I had to try my hot drink out with these little morsels added to the top. They gave the expected extra sweetness and the flavour worked nicely with the chocolate flavouring. I also tried out a couple of other favourites - mixing some vanilla essence into my hot chocolate - I have to say this made an AMAZING vanilla hot chocolate! It really was just so yum, the flavourings mixed perfectly together. I also tried this out with a piece of orange peel left to soak for a little bit (and taken out before I drank) - again this gave a really nice flavour - chocolate orange. I only mention trying these things, as although they are not essential I think its important to know that the divine hot chocolate mixes well with other flavours.

Lastly I also used this product to make biscuits with - I simply changed a recipe slightly and used half a cup of the powder instead of cocoa. I have it say we were lucky to get any biscuits out of the mix as the batter tasted so good uncooked!! (Far better than any other cookie mixture I've ever made that's for sure). I was really happy with the end of result - it definitely tasted a lot different to cocoa and was I guess a less intense chocolate. Like a mild chocolate flavouring, lighter somehow - it's quite hard to explain but definitely worth a try if you have this product. I will be using it in my cooking again that's for sure. I also added mini marshmallow's to the mixture before cooking which of course melted during cooking but it meant that the biscuits tasted like a real hot chocolate but in biscuit form ^ :)

Totally, fully, 120% recommend this product to others - it's hot chocolates all round at our house every night at the moment and I know I will be buying this product for years to come!

Value for Money
Personal Choice
haykay   Review #11310 - Dated: 30th of May, 2014
  Author: haykay

Finding a hot chocolate that is not too sickly and sweet is quite hard as if it is not sweet it is quite bitter. Avalanche Divine Drinking Chocolate is a very rich chocolate flavour with the right balance of sugar that it is not bitter.

I love that it is Gluten Free and comes in a handy container which is easy to open and also keeps the powder dry. I have found in the past that containers like this do let a bit of moisture in but this one is great.

I have made this drinking chocolate with both hot water (even though it says it is not designed to add water too) and cold milk and both are great. I do not use the recommended 2 teaspoons a cup as I find this is too rich for me but I suppose you can make it to your own taste. I do find that the cocoa does sink to the bottom of the cup quite quickly but this seems to be a problem with all hot chocolates that I have tried in the past so the secret is to drink it quickly or give the cup a bit of a swirl half way through.

This is definitely a drinking chocolate of choice in our family.

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Printed at 04:50:50pm on Sunday 02nd June 2024