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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Beverages > Milk Drinks > Avalanche Kids Sugar-Free - Super Strawberry
  ProdID: 5450 - Avalanche Kids Sugar-Free - Super StrawberryBrand :Avalanche Coffee Product Score: 8.3 
Avalanche Kids Sugar-Free - Super Strawberry

Price : $3.99
Supplier :
Available : at selected quality supermarkets

Here's a yummy milk drink that's not only super cool and double delicious, but it's extra good for you too. It contains NO sugar, NO artificial flavours, NO artificial colours and NO preservatives, so you can drink as much as you want without Mum having a meltdown!

    •  Gluten Free
    •  Nut Free
    •  Wheat Free
    •  Egg Free
    •  Yeast Free
    •  GMO Free
    •  Preservative Free
    •  Sugar Free
Value for Money
Personal Choice
kiwiblondie   Review #11675 - Dated: 22nd of June, 2014
  Author: kiwiblondie

I was lucky enough to get some of this amazing drink to review. I opened my box and first thing the kids saw was the strawberry drink so they promptly asked for some. I did notice that the powder is a lot finer than some of the other brands.

I had thought to use some in baking of some sort but the kids have had at least one glass a day and finished it really quickly but I will be buying it again as well as the banana flavour.

I used 2 teaspoons and thought that it tasted good and my daughter made me some with only one teaspoon and it still tasted good although the colour was a lot lighter. The advantage of this being sugar free means I don't need to feel guilty about having some and if I can get my kids used to sugar free while they are young then it will be a lot better for them.

Only thing I didn't like was that the powder didn't dissolve properly when my daughter made me some as she stirs so gently when she makes drinks but I had no problem when I made the drinks as I don't have any worries about giving the drinks a good stir.

I would buy this product again in a heart beat.

Value for Money
Personal Choice
haykay   Review #11638 - Dated: 18th of June, 2014
  Author: haykay

Wow Super Strawberry is what this product is! This product was very easy to make as a milk drink. I only used half of the recommended amount and it still gave a sweet strawberry punch to the milk. It dissolves easily in cold milk and leaves no floaties on the top. I love that it is sugar free but still is sweetened by stevia extract. As a mum this makes a big difference as although I enjoy milk drinks I have never shared these with my 3 year old son as they are so full of sugar. Now there is a drink that we can both enjoy and I don't mind him have a drink out of my glass.

I was keen to try this in another way other than just as a milk drink. So I made some natural yoghurt and added it to just a serving of it. Just like that I had sugar free strawberry yoghurt! What a great way to make just one yoghurt but be able to alter the flavour depending on the family member.

I love the way that this is packaged in a cylinder container however find that if not careful the lid comes off very easily, therefore need to keep it out of reach of toddler and not let if fall off the shelf.

Value for Money
Personal Choice
mizim   Review #11634 - Dated: 18th of June, 2014
  Author: mizim

I love a nice strawberry drink and we get Nesquik now and then for a change.

Getting this and opening it up, my first thought was that the tin is only half full, but the tin is a nice size and so a good wash out and I can see us reusing the tin, always a bonus for us. The back recommends 1-2 heaped tablespoons of powder per 200mls of milk, now, I'm not used to using that much, and didn't read the back, deciding to prepare how I usually do and that was with one teaspoon of powder, this gave me a nice and delicate flavour, enough so that I could taste the strawberry, following the instructions was just too much for me.

During the week I put just under a teaspoon on each of my kids breakfast, mostly they had weetbix, and rice bubbles a couple of times, just to add some flavour. They all really liked it and wanted me to do that each day, which I am happy to do when this has no sugar in it. My last use for this was I made a strawberry syrup with this, equal parts water, white sugar and this powder (though for one sauce I did half water, half wine) and it turned out so nice that I, um, almost burnt my tongue taste testing it....

I would probably buy this again, as I would use it at about the same pace as any other brand, and being sugar-free is a big bonus.

Value for Money
Personal Choice
haykay   Review #11631 - Dated: 18th of June, 2014
  Author: haykay

SUPER STRAWBERRY is exactly what it is! This no sugar, no artificial flavours, no artificial colours and no preservatives milk drink ticks all the boxes for my family. To this point I have never given my 3 year old son flavoured milk because of it being high in sugar. I was surprised to see that although sugar free it is sweet and this is because it has used setiva extract to sweeten it.

The flavour of this drink is amazing and I am only needing to use half of the suggested amount and still getting a real strawberry flavour. Our favourite way of having this is with cold milk and it mixes so well with no floaties being left on the top. I only had plain yoghurt in the fridge and added this powder to it and it dissolved and gave the yoghurt a real strawberry flavour. Great to use if you have people in the family who like different flavoured yogurt as you only have to make plain yoghurt but could flavour it with one of these avalanche products.

The packaging is in a very handy cylinder container and think it is great that it caters (and this is stated on packaging) to many dietary requirements. It had a very easy tab to open and even though it is not a airproof container the powder has not dampened at all. The only thing I am finding difficult at the moment is that my son is trying to help himself to this flavouring and the lid is a bit flimsy and falls of when he shakes it a little. (Note to myself - put on a higher shelf :-) )

Value for Money
Personal Choice
rekebum   Review #11628 - Dated: 18th of June, 2014
  Author: rekebum

I liked that this was sugar free and was curious if it would still taste good, it did and the kids love it.

I don't like the fact it doesn't all seem to dissolve and you need to use more than they recommend which was 1-2 heaped tablespoons per 200mls of milk, to really taste the strawberry. I used 4.

I like the containers and the fact they can be re used later on. I think it is a great alternative to other sugary products and is a regular on our shopping list, I look forward to trying the other flavours. It is great as a bedtime treat as there so sugar or additives which I think is perfect and certainly helps with the decision to buy and use this product! Mr 16 thinks it is great on his Rice Bubbles I'm still sceptic about that although I did use to make a milkshake which was also delicious!

I think the cost is fair for the product but the container is not full to the top and doesn't last long but in comparison to other drinking powders the price is on par. All in all a nice treat, that isn't filled with sugar and was an overall hit with the kids!

Value for Money
Personal Choice
alexmoulton   Review #11542 - Dated: 12th of June, 2014
  Author: alexmoulton

As with the banana flavour, this packet came with deceptively tall packaging, and the top inch of the tin was empty. That being said, I could certainly use the tin with its air tight lid afterwards to hold other food items.

I found the flavour to be slightly weaker than the banana flavour, with one teaspoon providing more of a subtle hint of strawberry, than a flavour. Two scoops did taste a lot better, but the milk needed to be heated otherwise it would collect at the bottom of the glass and not fully mix in. Slightly warmed improved the drink two fold, with the warmth making the flavour more obvious.

Despite the quite bright colour of the powder, the end drink was not overly colourful, which I was quite impressed with. Usually they come out neon pink, but this had a nice flavour without the unnecessary colours. The fine powder provides a good addition to porridge, or even just sprinkled over the top of vanilla ice cream, so it is certainly a versatile drink mixture. I have seen people successfully making cheesecakes and other such items with these sugar free mixes, and I am certainly keen to give that a try.

Value for Money
Personal Choice
Jopukeko   Review #11526 - Dated: 10th of June, 2014
  Author: Jopukeko

I have fond memories of adding a spoonful of pink powder to my milk to make strawberry milk as a child. It was a special treat and as an adult I now understand why Mum didn't let us have it all the time. It was full of sugar, artificial colouring and lots of other nasties that weren't good for my growing body.

As a Mum I was delighted to see that Avalanche had made a strawberry drinking mix that was free of sugar and and artificial rubbish. Suddenly I could given my kids strawberry made to the strength I wanted (not extra sweet like the ready made stuff) as often as I wanted without harming them. Unfortunate;y this comes at a price which is double that of the brand I had as a child.

The instructions said 1-2 heaped tablespoons for 200mls of milk. I was unsure whether to use the metric tablespoon (15mls) or the Australian tablespoon of 20mls. I decided to use one heaped 15ml tablespoon. This seemed to give the girls' milk enough colour and flavour for their liking. For my husband I but 3 heaped 15ml tablespoons with 400mls and he liked this. I was thankful that they didn't need the extra strong solution as the canister didn't last long.

My daughters (Miss 4 and Miss 5.5) loved their strawberry milk. We even had to make a rule that you weren't allowed to put your fingers in the canister as Miss 4 was caught doing this a few times. She said it tasted yum but I didn't try it in powdered form myself. I did however use the drinking mix to make a rice pudding. It only required three ingredients the mix, milk and rice. It was great to see that the drinking mix could be heated as it opened up that versatility of the product. This was the first time I had ever made a rice pudding and was surprised how easy it was. This was also a hit with my kids and was a healthy dessert (except that I served it with ice cream).

Because of the cost it won't be something that is always in the house but I will pick it up when I see it on special as I know my girls will appreciate it and we won't have milk going off in our house anymore.

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Printed at 08:09:04pm on Sunday 02nd June 2024