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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Food > Meat and Poultry > Double Manuka Smoked Bacon
  ProdID: 5382 - Double Manuka Smoked BaconBrand:Holy Smoke Product Score: 10.0 
Double Manuka Smoked Bacon

Price : $9.20 / 250gms
Supplier :
Available : Yes

Awesome belly bacon, extensively air-dried and twice cold manuka smoked to give a full smoke flavour.

When you fry this bacon you will not create a steam bath as the air drying greatly reduces water content. You will enjoy a real crusty tasty mouthful of smoky bacon.

Why pay for water when buying regular bacon? "Once bitten, never shy".
Value for Money
Personal Choice
Laugan   Review #11092 - Dated: 30th of April, 2014
  Author: Laugan

I really detest buying bacon from the supermarket. Why? Because I have been completely spoilt by the bacon I can buy with just a short walk to the smoke house. Unlike pretty much every other bacon I have tried this bacon is completely dry straight out of the pack and isn't overly salty, instead there is an amazing smoky flavour.

Our preferred method of cooking this delicious bacon is to put it on a slotted tray in a moderate oven until crispy, which is about 15-20 minutes, this way you can save the bacon fat for later and not be eating so much fatty bacon. We usually have bacon and egg sandwiches or on toast with a poached egg when cooked like this. Cook it a little longer and allow it to cool then crumble it through a salad for a naughty topping. It also slices up nicely to be fried up for macaroni cheese or put onto pizza. It's just as amazing cooked on the bbq and added to hamburgers or just eaten on it's own.

Probably the only downside to this bacon is the fact it is the belly so no lovely rashers, although I don't mind that my husband does occasionally force me to buy rashers from the supermarket but that doesn't last long before he decides I should just buy from Holy Smoke instead.

If you love a really smoky bacon than this is the one for you, the lack of moisture in it certainly makes it very versatile and it seems to cook and crisp much quicker as a result. So if you're not in Christchurch jump on to the Holy Smoke website and order yourself some amazing bacon, if you are in Christchurch head down to the on site deli and get yourself tempted by the wonderful array of other smoked goodies they have on display.

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Printed at 06:07:27am on Wednesday 12th June 2024