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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Books > Kids - General > Geronimo Stilton #54: Get Into Gear, Stilton!
  ProdID: 4953 - Geronimo Stilton #54: Get Into Gear, Stilton!Author:Geronimo Stilton Product Score: 10.0 
Geronimo Stilton #54: Get Into Gear, Stilton!

Price : $14.50
Supplier :
Available : August 2013

Geronimo Stilton has been selected by the mayor to give a special driving demonstration, but his license has expired. He has only a week to relearn everything to pass the test for a new one. Little does he know that his lessons will introduce him to a talking robot car.
Value for Money
Personal Choice
Fayth   Review #10301 - Dated: 16th of December, 2013
  Author: Fayth

I am so glad that I got the chance to review this book. Geronimo Stilton is always a big hit in our household, there's only one thing that my son loves more and that's cars, and with talking robot cars no less - this book was always going to be a winner.

As always Geronimo finds himself in a spot of bother and is once again called upon to save the day. The basic make up of the story is not all that unique but what really makes it come to life is Geronimo himself. You see he's a bit of a scaredy mouse which makes his antics all the more humorous. My son and I regularly found ourselves laughing out loud which made the book all the more enjoyable to read.

The combination of bright illustrations, different fonts and colours, quirky characters and lots of action from the get go, makes this a great first chapter book and it held my son's (age 6) attention well - of course it would also be suitable for independent readers and they would be able to appreciate it at a different level.

I also love the attention to detail. In this book with the main topic being about cars/driving, there were a number of extra pages detailing the specifics of what the cars can do and at the very back is a list of road safety rules.

Overall another fantastic Geronimo book that both my son and I enjoyed immensely. I can see us reading this one over and over again.

Value for Money
Personal Choice
emahlyn   Review #10290 - Dated: 12th of December, 2013
  Author: emahlyn

I have been reading this book to my three year old and it has been a huge hit. Usually paperback smaller books with a lot of words don't hold his attention as well as picture books but this has been a huge success. I think this is due to the fact that every page is brightly coloured and has pictures of what is happening throughout the story.

This is the first Geronimo Stilton book I have read and I did enjoy the story line and my son laughed at lots of the little jokes, he especially liked the talking robot. Something I did find quite hard (especially reading out loud) was that every third or fourth word, or every describing word was written in a different font and colour. Making them stand out but also making it quite hard to read without pausing.

My son loved the illustrations especially the cars, ambulances and the robot. He thought they were really cool and he has since gone through the book a few times and pointed out his favourites to me.

I would recommend this book for children aged from 3 (they could be read it by Mum or Dad) all the way to about 13 where they could read it themselves and still enjoy the humour aimed at children.

Value for Money
Personal Choice
kymmage   Review #10278 - Dated: 8th of December, 2013
  Author: kymmage

My daughter was pretty rapt when she saw that we had a new Geronimo Stilton to review. She loves this mouse and all his adventures. I think because he gets up to all sorts of fun things, but he is so down to Earth. He is down-right cowardly sometimes, but doesn't let it hold him back.

In Get Into Gear, Stilton finds himself having to put together a road safety presentation, but his driver's license is expired. He has to jump through a lot of hoops re-learning everything about driving. It's obvious as a parent that he didn't do a lot of driving prior to this book, and to be fair I don't remember him driving anywhere. He is usually walking or taking a taxi.

The other side of the book is a crime-fighting robot car, and a heist. The adventure takes a wee while to kick in, but my daughter didn't notice. She enjoyed the whole thing and I read it for just over a week at bedtime. All weekend, she has been talking about learning to drive and wanting to drive the car home. I blame Geronimo! He made driving look easy. Lastly, I loved the page of road safety tips. Really good list of things to talk to your kids about.

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Printed at 06:51:29pm on Sunday 02nd June 2024