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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Movies > Comedy > Rapture Palooza
  ProdID: 4769 - Rapture PaloozaDirected byPaul Middleditch Product Score: 3.8 
Rapture Palooza

Price : $39.99
Supplier :
Available : August 2013

When the Apocalypse actually happens and a billion people are raptured up to heaven, Lindsey and her boyfriend Ben are left behind in suburban Seattle. The young couple try their best to lead a normal life surrounded by talking locusts, blood rain showers, and pot-smoking wraiths.

But when the Anti-Christ makes his home base in their neighborhood, Lindsey finds herself the object of his affection. With the help of her family, friends, and a lawn-mowing zombie neighbor, the young couple set off to stop the Anti-Christ from taking her as his bride... and just maybe, saving the world in the process.
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shellcruise   Review #11507 - Dated: 9th of June, 2014
  Author: shellcruise

So according to this movie if you're unlucky to be left behind when the Apocalypse happens, life will become pretty exciting. There are cute little bugs/locust that bite you and say 'suffer' a lot and not a lot kills them. There are Ravens that put you down verbally. Asteroids fall from the sky pretty randomly and sometimes they land on people. It rains blood. Then there's the anti-christ and his helpers the Wraiths who you can pretty much blackmail if you have enough pot - yes life will not be dull.

However I found it very hard to feel compassion for any of the characters especially Anna Kendrick as she is just so expressionless. She walks around with the same dopey look and talks so slow, its like you can actually see her clock ticking. Out of all the woman in the world I can not understand how the Anti-Christ/Beast could fall for her.

I didn't mind the movie, I took it for what it was and did not expect much. If your in to potty humour, swearing and drugs then this movie will be right up your alley. Its a good movie to watch if you have had a hard day and just want to blob. No complex story line - it is what it is. I did laugh a couple of times but then I cringed a bit as well.

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mizim   Review #9688 - Dated: 15th of September, 2013
  Author: mizim

I don't usually watch a movie and then feel that I have nothing to say, but in this case I just have no clue what to write and I only finished it five minutes ago.

OK, so, everything wrong with this movie... Too much swearing, there were talking locusts and crows that were only in the movie to provide swearing and laughs that come from swearing. There were zombies (wraiths) but they were only there for their rudeness and love of getting high. Kendrick was ok but her character was far too wooden.

Umm... So, anything good about this movie?... Nothing at all really, I did have a small chuckle at two moments but other than that this movie didn't hold my attention at all and the only part that I really liked was the starting credits.

I'm really glad that I got this to review and as such didn't waste any money either buying or renting it, it was just so empty that there was nothing good going on. I think had they stayed away from the rude, crude and sexual innuendo's this could have been a really fun film.

Not going to watch again any time soon.

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Printed at 08:54:13pm on Sunday 02nd June 2024