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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Food > Biscuits and Crackers > Cheez Dippers
  ProdID: 4431 - Cheez DippersBrand:The Laughing Cow Product Score: 7.1 
Cheez Dippers

Price : $4.49
Supplier :
Available : supermarkets

Crispy breadsticks to dip into smooth and tasty The laughing Cow cheese spread.
Personal Choice
tessak   Review #11802 - Dated: 30th of June, 2014
  Author: tessak

What is it with us parents being suckered in to buying things we normally would not give a second glance lol which obviously is how I ended up with these in my shopping trolley one day. I have a son on daily medications that suppress his hunger and so when he specifically requests food, I'm easily suckered in to getting it, no matter what it is, especially if it means he will eat.

These are actually crazy expensive at nearly $5 a box of 5. That is equivalent to $1 per individual package of tiny little crispy sticks and a spoonful of cheese. When money is tight these really do nothing more than blow your budget. I would buy them as an extra special treat, but if using for school lunches, the cost is just to much.

So I gave my son 4 of the 5 to put away for when he felt like eating, and I kept the 5th to try myself. Okay so the wee six and nice and crunchy and rather tasty. The cheese is also tasty and super creamy. So in that respect I have to give them two thumbs up lol I asked my boy what he thought and if they were easy to open (he has trouble with things sometimes). He too gave them two thumbs up, easy to open and super delicious, so much so he ate the whole 4 in one go lol *shakes head*

Personal Choice
kymmage   Review #8851 - Dated: 18th of June, 2013
  Author: kymmage

I picked up a box of these on special at the supermarket recently. Since The Laughing Cow wedges were popular in our place, I figured the kids would like these. What I didn't realise at the time was that this is a box of 4 Cheez Dippers. At full price that's over $1 each, which seems a steep price to pay for a lunchbox item that doesn't last a full week. However, I didn't pay more than $3 for this, and I was keen to see what the girls thought.

These need to stay in the fridge, unlike their closest count-part on the market. What I liked about them was the foil cover on the packets. Each one was different and showed a new cow scene. The cows are cheerful, and full of character and being quite human in their poses. I looked at each one and showed my daughter. She thought they were cute.

I gave one to each child in their lunchbox the other day. My eldest being the only one able to adequately review it, said that the sticks were really nice, but she didn't like the cheese spread. I tried one myself, since she hadn't liked hers. The cheese is a lot like cream cheese, and wasn't as flavourful as the wedges. It was still nice, but just not for her. The second day when I sent one with her, it came home untouched. So I don't think I would rush out to buy these again, though it was interesting to try something a bit different.

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Printed at 07:21:48pm on Sunday 02nd June 2024