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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Food > Biscuits and Crackers > Little Quacker Baby Biscuits Strawberry
  ProdID: 4390 - Little Quacker Baby Biscuits StrawberryBrand:Little Quackers Product Score: 8.3 
Little Quacker Baby Biscuits Strawberry

Price : $2.99
Supplier :
Available : At all leading supermarkets

Strawberry flavoured rice biscuits
Conveniently wrapped in packs of 2
Gluten Free
Egg and nut free
No artificial colours
Oven baked
Suitable for ages 1 - 5
Personal Choice
poppyjade   Review #14944 - Dated: 6th of October, 2015
  Author: poppyjade

I have been giving these to my daughter who is now 1 for the past few months (did not realise it was 1 and over oops) she likes them but does not love them compared to other brands. I was expecting them to be plain crackers with a strawberry flavouring in the cracker but it has these little speckles on top that almost look like chocolate (strawberry flavoured), they smell super sweet and I have never really looked at how good they are for her.

They are organic which is always good as we consume far too many foreign chemicals, I like that they come two in a pack per serving as one is simply not enough for little eaters.

i think for a kid they look appealing but for an adult they do not, i.e. they look bad and not sure if I want my daughter to eat them or not. box is appealing and the price is good for what you get. I wish companies like this would not triple wrap, i.e. two per serve wrapped in plastic, then all of them sealed in another plastic bag then boxed. Flavour is ok, texture is great for kids, size is awesome, smell is terrible, price is great. would I buy them again? Possibly not as my daughter is not huge on them, I guess good to have as a spare in the car.

Personal Choice
melissaandchloe   Review #14670 - Dated: 15th of August, 2015
  Author: melissaandchloe

After having purchased these banana flavoured Little Quacker Baby Biscuits and my daughter absolutely loving them, I decided to go back to The Warehouse where I had originally come across these to buy some more, Insaw this time around that they had strawberry in stock so I grabbed a packet of each. Personally I liked the flavour of the strawberry ones over the banana, they tasted like I was eating a strawberry pop tart or drinking a strawberry milkshake they were rather tasty.

My daughter is past the 'baby' stage now but as a toddler she still requests these be brought when she spots them at the supermarket. My daughter has got slight allergies to certain foods so I do have to watch what she eats, however these are very allergy friendly as they are gluten, egg and nut free making for a tasty allergy free snack. My daughter always eats them by first picking off all the pink icing topping before she finishes off the biscuit, she prefers these to the banana ones. Working in a daycare I come across a lot of children with allergies especially to egg, nuts and gluten so these are a great snack to have on hand for them during times such as birthday celebrations and Easter where they may feel as though they are missing out, have a special biscuit with either pink or yellow icing on them which they are okay to eat seems to brighten up there day.

The packages are convenient, with each box having 8 packs containing 2 biscuits each, great for a snack on the run (for both children and adults alike), and ideal for keeping in the car or handbag for those moments when littlies just need to eat. They are perfectly sized for little hands to hold and easily dissolve in your mouth which is great in regards to choking. A great snack with a great price to match.

Personal Choice
  Review #14390 - Dated: 4th of July, 2015

These are great for under twos but also loved by my older kids as an alternative to biscuits in the lunch box. I am always looking for great snacks to pack in my wee ones lunch box and she thoroughly enjoys them. The sweet drizzled coating takes away from the plain flavor of the rice cracker giving it just a hint of sweetness and fruit flavor to grab at those wee ones taste buds without the guilt of giving your young child to much sugar. They are wonderful. The convenience of the twin pack wraps makes life easy for packing them in a hurry. We also like to use them as extra texture to her mashed fruit by crushing them into crumbs and sprinkling them into mashed bananas or kiwifruit. The fact that they are egg and nut free is also brilliant as I have a nephew who has allergies and having these in the pantry makes it easy to have a snack on hand to offer him. If there was one thing j would love to see this product chanve in the future it would be multiple flavors from there range offered in the same quantity sized box. The price is very reasonable for a guilt free tasty snack. Highly recommend these to mums and dad's.

Personal Choice
rachelb   Review #12384 - Dated: 2nd of September, 2014
  Author: rachelb

These are amazing little snacks for under 2's - they are convenient and best of all they come pre packaged in packs of 2 so you can just grab and go, you don't have to worry about wrapping them or finding a container to put them in. They are quite generously sized and are actually quite big on flavour for little taste buds. They melt in your mouth which reduces the risk of choking on small bit.

They are a good price and definitely value for money. They are easy to find in the shops as they are at most large supermarket chains and I have also seen them in The Warehouse. My toddler seems to love these she eat all the strawberry bits off first and then the biscuit itself. They don't seem to leave a lot of mess like other products do on hands and face and in the car. They one downside to these is they do break quite easily so need to really be in a lunchbox as if they are loose in your bag they seem to get a bit crunched up.

I will definitely continue to buy these for my toddler as they are great for quick snacks and affordable

Personal Choice
Cherrycola27   Review #8825 - Dated: 14th of June, 2013
  Author: Cherrycola27

I first knew of Little Quackers when my niece had a packet (strawberry flavoured) in her lunchbox one day... I must say I was interested to see what was inside the packet and was a little taken back when I saw the cracker - it was covered in unhealthy looking bright pink spots - my intial thoughts were how can that be good for her! (She was under one at the time). My niece on the other hand was very excited to see the packet in my hand and seemed to know exactly what they were. She munched away on one for quite some time and I was impressed with the way it kind of just dissolved (at this early stage she had no teeth and had only just started finger foods). The crackers were easy for her to hold and seemed just the right size.

When in the supermarket I had a look n saw both flavour options and thought for $3 for 16 flavoured rice biscuits was not too bad a price, no wonder people were buying them. I like that these are wrapped in individual packet containing two crackers and know of several parents who use these as a filler for daycare lunches as well as just to have in your handbag/nappy bag while out and about.

Eventually with my niece continuing to have these in her lunchbox I tried one of the crackers to see what all the fuss was about - it was pretty plain and like a cruskit in many ways but there was definately that strong strawberry sugar taste added from the bright pink dots - something I'm still not convinced about in all honesty but then I guess its better than giving a child that young a piece of cake!

A product worth trying if you have young children so you/your child can make up your own mind! ^:)

Personal Choice
kymmage   Review #8727 - Dated: 2nd of June, 2013
  Author: kymmage

Strawberry flavoured Little Quackers was my first introduction to this range of crackers. I was originally introduced to a similar product when my first daughter was a toddler. When I saw these come out, she was around 4. She was drawn to the cute blue duck on the box. I was drawn to the price. $3 for 16 flavoured rice biscuits was not too bad. Especially given they were wrapped in twos. This would make them excellent for the daycare lunchbox.

So I picked up a box of these and started to add them to her lunchbox. I did find that she had difficulty opening the packet herself. The plastic is a little harder to rip than other products. And if you get the packet on the wrong angle, it will sometimes stretch the plastic rather than tear. Still if I started it off for her, she could open it herself.

She loves the flavour of these crackers. They taste like a strawberry milkshake. They are lovely and crunchy, and a good shape to hold. She loves to break them up into little pieces and pretend its bird feed and that she is the bird. Since her sister has come along, we get these for her as well. Often I will open a packet and they have one cracker each. They easily store in my purse for visits to the zoo or museum. They are nice and safe for baby too as they almost dissolve in her mouth when she is eating them.

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Printed at 08:33:41pm on Sunday 02nd June 2024