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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Books > Fantasy > A Necklace of Souls
  ProdID: 4050 - A Necklace of SoulsWritten byR.L. Steadman Product Score: 5.3 
A Necklace of Souls

Price : $24.99
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Available : All Book Stores

In the Kingdom of the Rose only the power of the Guardian's necklace can keep the people safe from the forces threatening to destroy it.

In the hidden Kingdom of the Rose a Guardian protects her people with the help of a magical necklace. But evil forces are also seeking the necklace, and as the Guardian grows weaker these forces threaten to destroy the Kingdom. Dana, the rightful heir, must claim the necklace and save her people. Her duty is clear: to protect her homeland she must submit to the power of the necklace.

But all power comes at a price - a price that Dana may not be willing to pay.
Value for Money
Level of Realism
Lose Track of Time
flabbergastered   Review #8006 - Dated: 16th of April, 2013
  Author: flabbergastered

Not a book I enjoyed reading at all....very boring! The storyline took me a long time to get my head around as the first few chapters switched between the two characters and was very confusing....I found it interesting that Dana's story was narrated by her, but Will's story was told in the third person....again very confusing. I would read a chapter get bored and put the book down, pick it back up and read another chapter and get bored again so to sum it up this book took me a long time to read and I only read it because I needed a full opinion to write this review.

Dana and Will are both wonderful characters but Dana stood out more for me. She's definitely not your average princess! She's not afraid to get dirty, she's a skilled fighter, and she's not interested in being the center of attention or attending to her royal duties. She's the complete opposite of her mother, who is incredibly vain and more interested in her face creams than the welfare of her people. Dana's journey through the course of the story and the burden she has to carry has a huge effect on her.

The front cover was great and if the inside of the book was as good as the cover the book would be a hit...but alas this wasn't to be. Princess Dana on the cover is a very beautiful young lady and the shadow of the man I presume was Will and the castles tower in the background looked as though it set the scene for the book....it's a shame that the inside of the book let it down.

I guess one good part of the book is the mystery involved...even on the last page the mystery that still surrounds Dana and Will is there. Maybe it wasn't the book for me as I am no longer a teenager or young adult and the storyline of the book was aimed at a younger age group. I haven't really got anything exciting to say about the book....I won't be reading it again and I am not motivated at all to recommend the book to others....the only thing that would change my mind is that the book is written by a New Zealand author and buying New Zealand made is always a good thing.

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Printed at 05:03:34pm on Sunday 02nd June 2024