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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Toys > Pre-School > Laugh and Learn - Learning Piggy Bank
  ProdID: 3554 - Laugh and Learn - Learning Piggy Bank Manufactured byFisher Price Product Score: 9.6 
Laugh and Learn - Learning Piggy Bank

Price : $49.99
Supplier :
Available : At selected retailers and online storesP

Your child will have lots of fun with the Fisher Price Laugh & Learn Piggy Bank. Your baby will be exposed to counting, colors, animals, and sizes with songs, music, speech, and activities that respond to baby through the friendly role play of a piggy bank theme.

Age - 6 - 36 months

Batteries not included
Value for Money
Personal Choice
melissaandchloe   Review #14784 - Dated: 26th of August, 2015
  Author: melissaandchloe

When I saw the Fisher Price laugh and Learn - Learning Piggy Bank come on sale at the Warehouse during one of there pre Christmas toy sales, I knew that I had to buy it as the perfect Christmas gift for Miss 1. After having purchased her the Fisher Price Laugh and Learn Letter Box for her birthday and seeing just how much she enjoyed this, I was sure that this was also going to be a big hit.

My daughter was always on the hunt for any "dollars" she could find lying around the house so I thought the idea of her being able to play with her own toy dollars and piggy bank was a great idea, these are definitely are a lot safer in size to play with than normal money and the usual packs of notes and coins you can buy for play. This toy is absolutely fantastic and was most definitely worth buying, it has so much to teach a young child through counting, colours, animals and sizes, all which are learnt through song which is such a great way in which children learn. The toy really promotes hand-eye co-ordination and also is great for developing a child's fine motor development as they really have to focus on pushing the coins through the slot which until they've had a bit of practice is a wee bit tricky, however the satisfaction of reaching this successfully is a reward on it's own as it means that the piggy bank starts to count and sing.

My daughter loves to sing and dance to this toy and with so many fun tunes you never get bored of it, the songs are very catchy and my daughter now at aged 2 and a half loves to sing along with it and to repeat the phrases. Definitely another great purchase from Fisher Price.

Value for Money
Personal Choice
shellcruise   Review #9983 - Dated: 17th of October, 2013
  Author: shellcruise

I really wanted to buy this for my first daughter but found the price was just too much to justify it so when it came on sale with my second daughter I jumped at the chance to purchase it and I am so glad I did.

It is fantastic for eye and hand co-ordination and my daughter could spend ages just pushing the coins thru the slot and then try and open it up to retrieve the coins to just repeat the procedure. It is so rewarding to watch the smile on her face as it counts the coins as she slips them in. Or to watch her laugh as she dances to the music and hum along to the songs. She recently turned two and although the coins are scattered all over the place she still has fun collecting them in a trolley and sitting down with the pig and inserting the coins.

I love how you can press the nose and it sings/says different things and the songs are very catchy. Plus it uses beautiful manners when it sneezes, and makes a cute piggy snorty sound. It has two choices either ABC which is more eductional and teaches you how to count or the music option which just sings songs.

My only issue is the panel is rather hard to open and my daughter used to have real problems opening it so we used to just semi close it - its rather tight and over the years has not really loosened up much. Besides that it is a very sturdy toy and can be dropped without causing any damage.

My mother-in-law was here recently and she was amazed at how educational it is and would like to have it when we outgrow it for her students (special needs teacher). She thinks it will be very beneficial for a lot of her children that she visits and can use it for assessments.

I totally agree with her I think this is a fantastic toy for all preschoolers and although the price is rather excessive if you can get it on sale you will not be sorry.

Value for Money
Personal Choice
kiwigirl04   Review #7580 - Dated: 6th of February, 2013
  Author: kiwigirl04

When looking the kids toys for birth upwards, fisher price as always been my turn to brand. I love fisher price there toys are always great, educational and long lasting.

I brought this laugh and learn piggy bank for my daughters first Christmas that was almost 5 years ago now. This piggy bank is still going strong and been though 2 kids. The thing I love about this is that it teaches counting when you put the coins into the piggy. The coins all have colours 5 colours in total, 2 of each. Each coin has an animal on them to learn the animals.

This teaches children how to post items into holes, teaching them how to turn the object to fit and if it doesnt fit that way try another. it has an easy opening to get the coins out. PIggy can be put onto songs or counting, and when you push the nose it talks to you.

My kids 4 and 3 still love playing with piggy and to be honest i like playing with them with it. I think this will be one toy I wont part with, will pop it away for friends that come over with kids. I recommend the piggy laugh and learn. If you watch places like the warehouse they normally have it on special and that's how i got it.

Value for Money
Personal Choice
Cherrycola27   Review #6666 - Dated: 5th of October, 2012
  Author: Cherrycola27

When buying presents i often look at the fisher price range but cant always afford it (their toys are so expensive!) However ive recently found The Warehouse (and no doubt other stores) reduce these in sales ~ i paid $20 for this instead of the retailed $49.99.

This was a present for my 2year old nephew and months later he is still continuing to play with it. I have also used this toy with a range of children from 6months to three (im an early childhood teacher) and it captivated the minds of all children. The older children grasp more concepts about money and the piggy bank etc while the younger children just love that they can 'post' the money through the slot.

Count on plenty of learning fun and musical rewards with this delightful friend. This piggy bank comes with 10 different coloured coins and the music voice counts along and compares the sizes too. You can also press the piggy's snout for music.

Different recommend to others and will be buying again!

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Printed at 08:04:14pm on Sunday 02nd June 2024