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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Hygiene Products > Personal Hygiene > AlphaGel Shave Gel - Cooling Menthol
  ProdID: 3174 - AlphaGel Shave Gel - Cooling MentholBrand:King of Shaves Product Score: 8.4 
AlphaGel Shave Gel - Cooling Menthol

Price : $9.95
Supplier :
Available : at selected quality retailers, and via the online store

King of Shaves AlphaGel Shave Gel employs SSE, v2.0 of our unique Skin Surface Enhancing technology, with cooling menthol and DDS (Dual Delivery System) that helps protect, moisturise and lubricate your skin throughout the shave giving excellent razor performance and glide. Your face will be left smooth, supple and moisturised, not dry and tight

Dermatologically tested and unfragranced, it is ideal for sensitive skin. The low foam formula means you see where you're shaving - perfect for shaping sideburns, goatees and for avoiding problem areas. Important: Enjoy!

www.shave.co.nzClick out to an external site
Value for Money
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Personal Choice
archway77   Review #5345 - Dated: 30th of January, 2012
  Author: archway77

This is my favourite of the three gels I have had the pleasure to try out as part of my King Of Shaves review pack. Firstly, as with the other gels in the King Of Shaves range, this is a "low foam" gel. It does not get the lather up that so many of us have been used to over our years of using wet razors and does take some getting used to.

I'm a "shower shaver" so I do lose one of the advantages of a low foam gel - and that is you can see the detail bits a lot clearer. However that is something not overly concerning. I like the feel of the King Of Shaves gels and appreciate the fact that I don't seem to be spending half my time getting rid of copious amounts of unnecessary foam.

My favourite feature of this particular blend is the "cooling menthol" - this provides a nice wake up kick when shaving firstly thing in the morning while not being overpowering. Would definitely recommend this product.

Value for Money
Ease of Use
Personal Choice
filmguidenz   Review #5315 - Dated: 22nd of January, 2012
  Author: filmguidenz

I currently use Nivea for Men Cool Kick Shaving Gel. It's a nice gel, that produces a nice creamy foam once applied to your face. This is what I was expecting when I tried King of Shaves Alpha Gel, Cooling Menthol.

The first thing that hits you is the menthol smell, whilst not overpowering, it certainly reminds you that you're using something a little different from usual.

Sadly, the second thing I noticed was that the gel just didn't seem to want to transform into much of a creamy foam. If my Nivea Gel was a blizzard, then King of Shaves what a light dusting of snow. Whilst it certainly did the trick when it came to shaving with both the King of Shaves razor and my own Schick Hydro, but it wasn't an experience I'd necessarily recommend.

I am so used to shaving foam, and I have never used shaving gel before, but I figured what the heck. So after a few days of non shaving I grabbed the gel and got to it. After a quick read of the directions it was off I go with a bit of manual shaving.

It's only fair to say that on the back of the packet it does state that it is a low foam formula, and is apparently designed like this to let you see where you're shaving. I guess I'm just old school, and like to see where I've shaved.

So the gel does do an ok job, and the end result is passable, especially with my Schick. It's just not the usual luxury that I'm used to with my Nivea. But one thing I have to say with the Menthol, is that it is really cooling, and perfect for shaving during the hot summer months. In fact, I'd almost rave about it's cooling effect.

Value for Money
Ease of Use
Personal Choice
black-kat   Review #5287 - Dated: 18th of January, 2012
  Author: black-kat

I am so used to shaving foam, and I have never used shaving gel before, but I figured what the heck. So after a few days of non shaving I grabbed the gel and got to it. After a quick read of the directions it was off I go with a bit of manual shaving.

The first thing that got me was the smell, it was a Menthol smell, but not quite as overpowering as I was expecting, in fact it was more mellow and soft smelling. The texture certainly wasn't what I was expecting either, it was nowhere near as greasy or as oily as I expected, and it went on very smoothly.

Shaving with this was a breeze and was certainly easier than with traditional shaving foam as it was far easier to see where you were shaving and you didn't need anywhere as much on your face as you did with foam.

The feeling afterwards was also a nice refreshing feel, something that is also missing from foam, and I didn't feel the need to wash the face off afterwards, rather just a quick towel off and all was good and feeling very smooth.

Value for Money
Ease of Use
Personal Choice
tessak   Review #5252 - Dated: 11th of January, 2012
  Author: tessak

The King of Shaves Gels are in my opinion a simply wonderful invention.

The cooling menthol gel has a strong menthol smell but its a natural smell not a fake perfumed smell, and in comparison to the other gels it has a stronger smell to it when in use but the lingering smell does not last any longer than any of the others, very refreshing indeed.

The gel, like the others, is not to thick or icky to touch. You dont need to use super large amounts of it, as a small amount goes a long way and also spreads out and goes on nicely too.

The bottle is a nice size, and as it sits upside down it means the gel is always there ready to go, not requiring loads of annoying squeezing, dropping of the bottle or slipping of the bottle due to wet hands...so def no chance of an accident lol

Teamed with the azor razors the alphagel cooling menthol shave gel gives you a nice refreshing, clean shave and leaves you feeling simply....cool!!

Value for Money
Ease of Use
Personal Choice
kymmage   Review #5240 - Dated: 5th of January, 2012
  Author: kymmage

AlphaGel Shave Gel - Cooling Menthol comes in a cool blue and green tube and smells much like the Sensitive gel - the refreshing, clean smell of tea tree oil. I was interested to see what the cooling menthol would add to my shave experience.

The gel goes on nice and easy, like the other gels in the range. You have high visibility with what you are doing using this gel, because this product is low foam. You don't get a great deal of lather, meaning you can actually see your skin as you shave. There are huge advantages to this, like not raking over and over the same place without knowing how the shave is going or missing huge areas because you thought you had been over it.

The addition of cooling menthol gives your skin a refreshing feeling after the shave, but this can sometimes translate to stinging as well. This was the only negative I found with the product, though it didn't always happen so I might have been a bit rough with the razor.

Again, a great product. Love the whole King of Shaves range, and this was probably my second favourite out of the three shave gels I tried. I would definitely consider purchasing this product again in the future.

Value for Money
Ease of Use
Personal Choice
kiwiwests   Review #5206 - Dated: 31st of December, 2011
  Author: kiwiwests

Thanks for letting us try this product. When compared to the other King of Shaves Gels, it does smell a lot stronger. Definitely keeps the sinuses clear. As for shaving, this shaving gel, like the other King of Shaves Gels, was a very nice change to normal shaving foam. A little costlier but a little goes along way and having a clear tube you know when you need to get some more. It left the skin feeling very smooth and no razor burn!
All in all a great product and one we would use especially in winter (as we prefer the citrus one for summer).

Value for Money
Ease of Use
Personal Choice
Tucker   Review #5194 - Dated: 29th of December, 2011
  Author: Tucker

Being the type of reviewer I am, I wanted to compare this gel to my regular, high-foam product, rather than against it's own kin. It just seems fairer that way. I am very glad I took this route, because what came from it quite surprised me.

Having tried gels in the past, and finding they left my skin feeling oily, gave me a bad chemical burn, of just plain weren't effective at anything more than clogging the blades... I was wondering if this was going to be any different. It was. This was a far superior shave for me.

Treating half my face with my regular product, and the other half with this, I proceeded to shave with my regular razor. The first thing I noticed was that though I had become used to 'working around' the visibility limitations of a good "Santa's Beard" froth, it was so much more relaxing to shave where I could actually see the areas I needed to take special care - the ends of the sideburns, around the edges of my goatee, my lower lip... areas I traditionally have to do again after my main shave. This time, no worries!

As with [link^3175^the blue gel^link] I found after a few strokes on the foamed side, I wiped it all off and completed my shave with this product - the results were so clearly better, it wasn't worth waiting my time any more. My only grip though was the menthol - the vapours were highly irritant to my already hayfever-hammered eyes, leaving me squinting during application, to try and avoid weeping from the sting and washing it away. For that reason alone, I prefer the other gels over this one, despite preferring the smell of this one - I have always loved the smell of menthol vapours and they did help with my hayfever-clogged nose.

Overall, I am right royally converted to the King of Shaves range and will be working on sourcing this as my regular shave brand wherever possible. An excellent product indeed.

Value for Money
Ease of Use
Personal Choice
NZGeekGirl   Review #5175 - Dated: 26th of December, 2011
  Author: NZGeekGirl

So apparently part of the deal of me reviewing the mens stuff on behalf of woman kind (ie: the razors that we use then deny doing so) also meant reviewing the manly shave gel. So I picked a day when I would have nowhere to go and people wouldn't wonder what had happened to make me smell like my hubby.

I should also point out that while I am a regular leg shaver, I am a lax leg shaver who normally just grabs a bar of soap. Apparently I should have been following the man in the house because shave gel rocks. This one is nice and cooling and having tea tree in it is also excellent antiseptic should you be totally un-co and nick yourself (male or female). It is low foam so you can see where you're shaving, yes women do like this as well, re-shaving part of the leg unnecessarily is just a waste of time! My legs also felt really smooth afterwards, I was totally impressed. Might have to go for this shave gel business more often.

For me the only off putting thing is that while it doesn't have added fragrance, the tee tree smell is still quite strong so if I was going to bypass the girly stuff for a good performing mens product I doubt I'd reach for this first.

Still, ^upthumbs up from me. I also have to say, if the ladies range takes after the mens, I'm looking forward to getting my hands on it!

Value for Money
Ease of Use
Personal Choice
ChristineDixon   Review #5173 - Dated: 26th of December, 2011
  Author: ChristineDixon

After enjoying and using the Citrus fragrance Gel the day before my husband was all set and ready to try this Gel out that claimed to be for sensitive skin and a cooling menthol. so he applied the gel over his face where he wanted to shave and started to shave, then I hear him saying its burning his face and his eyes and nose were getting irritated with the fumes from the menthol.he was having a bad reaction to the menthol so I told him to wash it off as quick as he could in cold water.so he must have extra sensitive skin to this product and so he would not try again or re purchase. so unfortunately this gets 0/10 and the thumbs down from me. ^down

Value for Money
Ease of Use
Personal Choice
ChristineDixon   Review #5162 - Dated: 24th of December, 2011
  Author: ChristineDixon

I am writing this on behalf of my husband who tested out
King of Shaves Alpha Gel Shave Gel - Cooling Menthol

Easy to hold large tube with flip lid and attractive label.
He usually uses white shave foam ,so he was interested to see if he could see where to shave. he put on the gel but got a bad reaction must be extra sensitive to the menthol,as it was not cooling just the opposite. It heated up his skin to the point it felt like it was burning, the Menthol shaving gel was too strong for him and the menthol fumes irritated his eyes and nose he had to wash off immediately 0/10.

Value for Money
Ease of Use
Personal Choice
jewellnz   Review #5153 - Dated: 22nd of December, 2011
  Author: jewellnz

This review is being written on behalf of my husband.

He has been a person who always used foam products, but after using all of the king of shave products, he has been converted.

He felt being able to see where he was shaving was a real bonus, and mainly because of this and the fact the products are excellent, he would be prepared to change and pay a little extra for a product that really works.

All the king of shave products do exactly what they claim to do, which is really great,as often this is not the case.

His skin felt nice and smooth after shaving, and moisturiser was not needed.

This one was his least favourite ,mainly because of the menthol additive,although it leaves a cooling sensation on your skin,it did not appeal to him as much as the other products he had to review, however that is just a personal choice and it may well appeal more to other people.

We felt worth a mention, would be great to see packaging that could be easily recycled and perhaps easier to open.

Value for Money
Ease of Use
Personal Choice
websam   Review #5150 - Dated: 20th of December, 2011
  Author: websam

The King of Shaves Alphagel shave gel is a shaving gel made for people with sensitive skin.

Just like all King of Shaves products, it smells great. If a product doesn't smell any good, then why would you want it near your face. The cool thing about this product is that it is actually an unscented product which is great for sensitive types, and the smell comes from Aloe Vera, Tea Tree Oil and possibly the menthol.

Reading the instructions isn't a manly thing to do, but they can help with getting a better shave, so make sure you shave during/after a warm bath or shower, making sure your face gets washed with some hot water. This helps with the whole shaving experience.

The thing I really like about this gel is that it is low foam formula, which means once you put it on and rub it all over, you can actually see where you are going. This is very important for someone who is trimming hair and not shaving everything off all at once.

The gel also moisturises your skin when you use it, and with the menthol feels great after having a shave.

At 150ml it may seem small to some people, but this product really does go the distance.

Value for Money
Ease of Use
Personal Choice
diogenes   Review #5148 - Dated: 19th of December, 2011
  Author: diogenes

Aside from the multiple acronyms in the blurb above, all you need to know is that this is a fantastic shaving gel and gives a fantastic shave.

But do read the instructions first, not like I did. Wet my face with hot water, had a good sized squirt of shaving gel and rubbed into my face. I was expecting foam to develop, and it didnt. I then took my trusty shaving brush to try to whip up a good foam... But still none.

And then I read the blurb on the back of the bottle... "a low foam formula"

With that in mind I then proceeded to shave, and it was a damned good shave. Either with my straight razor, by vintage double-edged or by Azor. The menthol left the face feeling cool and the shaving gel left my chops and jowls somewhat smoother and moisturised than before I started. The gel provides a nice slip to the blade, allowing it to slide over the skin, cutting the hair off with no drag. The low foam formula allows you to see where you have shaved and if you are into facial hair sculpting then this is clearly important; however, I am not so it wasn't much of a sell card to me. That said, it is a great product that gives a great shave. And for a chap, what more could you want?

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