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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Food > Meat and Poultry > Chop Chop! Chicken - Shredded with Wholegrain Mustard
  ProdID: 3065 - Chop Chop! Chicken - Shredded with Wholegrain MustardBrand:Chop Chop! Product Score: 8.9 
Chop Chop! Chicken - Shredded with Wholegrain Mustard

Price : $1.79 for 85g can
Supplier :
Available : at local supermarkets

Premium chicken breast, shredded and mixed with a delightful light mayonnaise and wholegrain mustard sauce.

    •  Premium cooked chicken breast
    •  Cage free, sustainably farmed chickens
    •  Gluten free
    •  Halal certified
Value for Money
Personal Choice
lindanne   Review #14393 - Dated: 4th of July, 2015
  Author: lindanne

When I first saw tinned chicken in the supermarket I thought, NO! How can anyone want to eat something that to me looked like Spam. How wrong was I! It took a long time until I tried it, in fact I didn't even know I had as it was served at a function I attended. I have now tried most flavours, but would have to admit that this flavour, Wholegrain mustard has to be a favourite.

The addition of the light mayonnaise is a time saver and a nice taste. I have served this with a salad, with crackers either alone or with avocado and or tomato, with left over veges and I have also replaced fish with the chicken to make chicken cakes. I don't believe I have found all the uses for it yet, but I will keep venturing out of the square.

These little tins are great for a salad for one, and the next size up is great for two people or two meals. The chicken shredded chicken is perfect for spreading. Being cage free and sustainably farmed chicken is important to me and the fact that it is gluten free is a great piece of information to a number of people.

The labels are good for catching the eye and are generally easily distinguishable, although it can be difficult to tell the difference between the shredded chicken and the chicken chunks.

Value for Money
Personal Choice
flabbergastered   Review #8675 - Dated: 26th of May, 2013
  Author: flabbergastered

Put mustard in anything I will give it a go..I am a huge lover of mustard and enjoy chicken so when I discovered chop chop chicken had a mustard flavour I got excited. This little cans of chicken are so versatile and can be eaten by themselves, on a sandwich, in a pasta salad or pasta salad.

The chicken they use is top quality and when it is shredded and mixed together with the mustard it is perfect to have a sandwich for a quick lunch because the chicken doesn't fall out of the bread as you try and eat it. It's a bonus that they use a light mayonnaise as well so it is that little bit healthier than other options.

The pull tab on the can is handy because there is never a can-opener at work when I take the can to work to eat for my lunch...it opens with ease and I know if it is in the can until I need it, it is fresh and hasn't been sitting around for half the day opened and in my sandwhich.

My only complaint is sometimes that can is too small if I am feeling greedy I want more because it is just so tasty!! The price is brilliant so I should just buy two cans and eat two lots hahaha!

I like the fact that chop chop chicken source their chicken from free range sustainability options and don't participate in sourcing them from cage chickens.

A tasty snack that can transform any meal into something that is amazing in a flash and with so little fuss...add the right ingredients and a small can can feed two people for lunch or for dinner when paired up with pasta or in a pita pocket or a wrap with a green salad.

Value for Money
Personal Choice
Madvix   Review #5903 - Dated: 1st of June, 2012
  Author: Madvix

I tried this flavour of Chop Chop Chicken first as I love mustard and thought this would suit me down to the ground. It did. So I tried the rest of the range to make sure I was right. I was!

Probably the only complaint from me is it could be a little more mustardy; however as my partner doesn't really like mustard and will quite happily scoff this, we appear to have a compromise!

The tins are the right size for a sandwich or for a few crackers, but if you make a basic coleslaw mix (shredded cabbage, onion and carrot) and toss this through with a little salt and pepper you have a perfect lunch for one or side dish for your next main meal.

Me likey!

Value for Money
Personal Choice
Jopukeko   Review #5865 - Dated: 24th of May, 2012
  Author: Jopukeko

This is definitely a convenience food and the price reflects that. The can is just the right size to pop into the lunch box. Just add some crackers or bread and lunch is sorted. There is a convenient pull tab on the can so no can opener is needed.

I found the chicken was great. There was no liquid to drain off. It spread very easy onto the two slices of bread. It was moist enough that I didn't need to add butter or any sauce to my sandwich.

The mustard taste was very mild which I appreciated as I'm not a mustard fan. It was just right for me.

It would be a great addition to the Civil Defence kit especially with crackers as it has a long shelf life and would suit the non-fish eaters in my family.

Value for Money
Personal Choice
kymmage   Review #5655 - Dated: 9th of April, 2012
  Author: kymmage

I don't know what it is, but something about chicken in a tin does not feel right to me. I'll happily eat tinned fish, but chicken? There should be no difference really, but I have a mental block about it.

My husband on the other hand loves this brand of tinned Chicken, and eats in almost every day with a cup of noodles. This is one of his favourite flavours, so we buy it all the time. His other favourite is the cracked pepper.

One night when we were "fending for ourselves" I cooked up some Uncle Ben's rice and added a tin of this chicken. After the initial "fear factor" reaction, I can confirm that the flavour is actually pretty good. The chicken felt a little grainy, but it was much better once it warmed with the rice.

I still don't think I could eat it regularly, but I can't deny that my husband loves it! We'll continue to purchase it weekly.

Value for Money
Personal Choice
Missvicqui   Review #4993 - Dated: 27th of October, 2011
  Author: Missvicqui

I found the flavour wasnt as strong as I was expecting.
For this I had an assortment of crackers and cheese.

What I really like about all the flavours is how soft and easy
they are to eat.

I managed to share this flavour much to the delight of my
children, their verdict was very positive. Hence the reason
a few cans ended up in the trolley :)

Value for Money
Personal Choice
crackerjack   Review #4893 - Dated: 17th of September, 2011
  Author: crackerjack

Sadly I have never been a fan of wholegrain mustards. They have little real flavour until you bite into a mustard seed and get that sudden bolt of spice. For me, it always seems to happen when one of the seeds gets under my dental plate and breaks open right against the gums, causing a very unpleasant scene as I dive away trying to remove half of my mouth discretely.

I did try it, and wasn't surprised by my lack of "impressed" but will happily concede that the only fault with this lies firmly with my preferences, and not with the product. I was hoping for something a little more spectacular, but it's easy to see how the dull Kiwi tastebuds wouldn't cope with anything with more zing.

However, using this on canapes during a recent party proved a great hit, which also confirms the product itself is a wonderful one, and it's my personal tastes that stop me from raving about it.

In summary: for those who like it, you will love it. For those who don't, try another flavour. Chop Chop is great, but not all flavours will suit everyone.

Value for Money
Personal Choice
Tucker   Review #4890 - Dated: 12th of September, 2011
  Author: Tucker

This one scaled a bit higher for me, as there was a definite flavour here, and it was one I liked, even though I would have enjoyed something a little sharper or stronger. Wholegrain Mustard is a rather French taste, whereas I am more in line with the English Mustard, which has more of a bite to it. However, this inspired me to experiment a little...

I have a favourite Tuna spread I make - it's based on the [link^46^Tuna Munchie Mix listed on the site^link] - and so I thought this chicken, being already shredded, might be an interesting substitute. And I was proven so very correct.

Take a can of this, add 1/4 to 1/8 of a medium onion diced very finely (you could even grater it or run it through the blender), add some freshly ground pepper and sea salt, a small amount of grated cheddar cheese (I used colby to avoid drowning the mustard flavour) and mix well. Serve on freshly toasted wholegrain or wheatmeal bread, pita slices, on in my case, grill-toasted hamburger bun halves. Topped with a couple of slices of tomato and a bit of freshly picked basil, torn, not cut. Delightful!

Overall, this was certainly one of my favourites from the Chicken range, and I certainly plan to be buying more. ^;)

Value for Money
Personal Choice
NZGeekGirl   Review #4873 - Dated: 16th of September, 2011
  Author: NZGeekGirl

Since trying these I have become a really big fan. It is really surprisingly fresh and tasty, to be honest, not entirely what I was expecting from canned chicken.

It fits in just fine for the health conscious people and even my kids love it.

As well as the shredded with lite mayo flavour, I have found this great for when I make sushi, easy to use and really yummy. I fill the sushi with this and either some cucumber or some carrot and it's all done.

It's also been a tasty hit with visitors.

Definitely worth keeping a few tins of this in the pantry for a quick and easy meal.

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Printed at 04:41:10pm on Sunday 02nd June 2024