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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Books > Young Adult > Animorphs - 1 - The Invasion
  ProdID: 2997 - Animorphs - 1 - The InvasionWritten by:K. A. Applegate Product Score: 9.6 
Animorphs - 1 - The Invasion

Price : $12.00
Supplier :
Available : July 2011

We can't tell you who we are. Or where we live. It's too risky, and we've got to be careful. But everyone is in danger. Yeah, even you.

Sometimes weird things happen to people. Ask Jake. He could tell you about the night he and his friends saw a strange light in the sky that seemed to be heading right for them. That was the night five normal kids learned that humanity is under a silent attack - and were given the power to fight back.

Now Jake, Rachel, Cassie, Tobias and Marco can transform into some of the most dangerous creatures on Earth. And they must use that power to outsmart an evil greater than anything the world has ever seen...
Lose Track of Time
Personal Choice
mizim   Review #5495 - Dated: 11th of March, 2012
  Author: mizim

Firstly I would have to say that I love the new design. I have only seen it in store, but think they look fabulous.
I read this series when it first came out, in fact I enjoyed it so much that I own the entire series bar one book.
I found the characters believable, and the first book really catches your interest and leaves you hanging about for more. Five normal kids who get amazing powers, the first time I read this book I was left wishing I had those powers.
The descriptions are fabulous and so easy to picture thanks to the detail. You really feel like you know the characters.
The book is well worth the money spent on it, and just from the first book you can tell it's one that's going to stick around and be enjoyed for many years.

Lose Track of Time
Personal Choice
nerdalert1101   Review #4651 - Dated: 22nd of July, 2011
  Author: nerdalert1101

Well, when I tried reading the old Animorph books, they soon got so boring that I couldn't even finish them, but this one is AWESOME!!! From the moment I started reading, I stuck my nose into the pages every time I had the chance.

The cover was really good, the lenticular print was really cool, it was almost like the lenticular artwork on the covers of the "[[s=wolven]]Wolven[[/s]]" books, except instead of the transformation being one smooth movement, it was just a bunch of frames appearing one after the other: it didn't have the same "Wow" factor though.

The storyline was really convincing, and by that I mean that like so many other books I've read in the past, the words were so descriptive that it was like the script was being turned into a rolling movie in my head. For this factor, I give both the new "Animorphs" series and K.A. Applegate a HUGE thumbs up! My most favourite scenes were when the kids were morphing, it is probably the one thing about these books that screams "Animorph".

I have no negatives about this book, it was all 100% great, the next book is sure to be a blast, I'm certain of it! This product is probably good for kids 10-18 since there are some disturbing parts like the thought of Centipede-like aliens being crushed and having yellow gunk oozing out of them. In fact, if you can think that thought without barfing, you would probably be okay to read this book.

I have had a pretty good experience by reading "Animorphs", and if your around 11 years old and like books which involve aliens, then you will adore this! Have fun reading!

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Printed at 08:11:19pm on Sunday 02nd June 2024