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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Movies > Family > Shrek The Halls
  ProdID: 2060 - Shrek The HallsDirector:Gary Trousdale Product Score: 9.0 
Shrek The Halls

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Shrek wants the perfect christmas for him and his family but he has no clue how to do it. He buys a book on how to do christmas perfectly and everything is going well, until donkey and gang decide to intrude that is...
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samantha203   Review #9552 - Dated: 4th of September, 2013
  Author: samantha203

I have loved all the Shrek movies and this short christmas rendition is no exception. We watched this when it aired on free TV over Christmas and it made such a nice difference to the over played traditional Christmas time movies and appropriate even for much younger audiences.

This movie is lots of fun and the characters are all just as much fun as always, with Shrek who is his normal sometimes quite grumpy serious self and Donkey goofing around as always. In this movie Shrek and Fiona have had the little ogre babies and Shrek is trying his hardest to have the perfect family Christmas.

However Donkey and the rest of the likely characters have other ideas and there is plenty of Chaos to follow. Lovely messages in this movie, and I love how it shows that families can be of all shapes and sizes.

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kymmage   Review #6165 - Dated: 1st of August, 2012
  Author: kymmage

Shrek the Halls is a lovely little Christmas special with our favourite Shrek characters. Shrek and Fiona have their little triplet ogres, and its their first family Christmas. Ogres don't generally celebrate the holidays so he tries to make it special. Enter Donkey and all the other fairytale rejects.

There is chaos, of course, and lots of funny moments. There's a moral too, but I won't spoil it for you. Its a lovely tale though and a fantastic message for Christmas time. The length of the show is 30 minutes which is quite short. But it was orginally made for tv, so it isn't feature length.

I really liked that all the characters stayed true to their design. They all still have the same flaws that make them act the way they do. They are warm, and full of hope as well.

The computer graphics are clean, and fresh. None of the quality seemed to be lost despite this being a short. I would recommend this as a great Christmas eve watch for the kids before they go to bed. It helped me get in the mood for family gathering, good food and the chaotic fun of Christmas.

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bronnie   Review #2921 - Dated: 5th of April, 2009
  Author: bronnie

I really enjoyed the Shrek movies and this one was no different. It was funny, clever and I found it to be appealing for both children and adults. The only reason why I put such a low rating on pay to see it again is because it only has a running time of 30 minutes.

Because it only went for 30 minutes I found I was left wondering "...is that it?" Hoping for more. But it doesn't come.

My favourite character has to be Donkey. He is just so gorgeous and says the greatest things. Go Eddie Murphy!!

I also love all the fairytale characters. It's so neat to see a happy fairytale ending for the Ogre's and their friends.

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Printed at 06:07:18pm on Sunday 02nd June 2024