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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Beverages > Milk Drinks > Sipahh Straws : Choc Mint
  ProdID: 1141 - Sipahh Straws : Choc MintBrand :Unistraw Intl Ltd Product Score: 9.1 
Sipahh Straws : Choc Mint

Price : $4.80 +/-
Supplier :
Available : at supermarkets

What is Sipahh?
Sipahh is a milk flavouring straw that wakes up milk.
It makes milk fun and helps ensure kids get the vital calcium they need in their diets.
Simply dip into cold milk, Sip, and say Ahh!

How does it work?
Every Sipahh milk flavouring straw is filled with our special UniBeads that contain all the flavour and excitement that Sipahh delivers.
As the milk is sipped through Sipahh, the UniBeads dissolve and turn boring white milk into a healthy snack that everyone can enjoy.
Simple and fun!

NOTE: Packaging may vary.
Value for Money
Personal Choice
rosielee3   Review #5013 - Dated: 2nd of November, 2011
  Author: rosielee3

These are such a fantastic invention. My son who drinks rice milk LOVES these, it allows him to have a 'fun' flavour of milk, whilst not upsetting his dietary needs.

I added the straws to the treat box, so when he gets a treat he could chose to use one of these, this worked so well and ends up to be a pretty healthy treat .. these were on the top of his list as fun to drink through.

This was his favourite flavour, and mine too! (Just dont tell him!) They are not really 'cheap' and as you add the price of milk to it, its definitely not cheap! But overall i think this is a great treat product that kids love! (and isnt messy!)

Value for Money
Personal Choice
kymmage   Review #4706 - Dated: 28th of July, 2011
  Author: kymmage

I can not find a full box of these in the supermarket. But I found it in a 5 straw multiple flavour pack! This is the one I steal (shhh, dont tell my 4 year old).

The smell of the flavour seeds is so yummy, and I can have it with my super trim milk. Its so yummy and feels a bit naughty (not just because I stole it from the pack).

I also like the fact that I can drink a hot drink through it to add to a Milo and I can get more than one drink out of it.

Value for Money
Personal Choice
dnwhakar   Review #1921 - Dated: 15th of May, 2007
  Author: dnwhakar

This flavour was really good! I didn't know whether or not I would like the choc-mint combination, but I was pleasantly surprised.

I love the idea of these straws, they are portable and convenient. As a previous reviewer mentioned they are GREAT for dairy free diets. My partner is lactose intolerant and loved these straws.

I did find it hard to judge how much to sip to get the most effective mix of flavour and milk. A lot of my milk ended up being plain for some strange reason, and I had beads left at the end in the straw. I guess its one of those things you learn with practice!

Overall a great product.

Value for Money
Personal Choice
mandaz79   Review #1896 - Dated: 4th of May, 2007
  Author: mandaz79

This would be the best flavour in my opinion
Easy to use straw that kids love.

Wasn't too sure what to expect before opening the Packet. Thought maybe a carefully measured amount of flavoured powder, but was pleasantly surprised. The kids can make their own milk shake with these with no mess and no hassles. Great product!!

Value for Money
Personal Choice
neoshibby   Review #1567 - Dated: 3rd of November, 2006
  Author: neoshibby

I wasn't quite sure what I was expecting with these straws... would they have powder that you tipped into milk? If it stayed in the straw how did that work? Were the straws themselves flavoured?

So I approached straw usage with some trepidation. Opening the first packet I was interested to see a semi-closed off straw with little balls of coloured stuff (quite possibly the flavouring). I plonked the straw into some milk, and promptly wandered off. When I came back a few seconds later I took a sip through my straw and was thoroughly slapped in the face by flavour! After a few seconds of enthusiastic straw sucking to clear the back-log I found I was only halfway through the flavouring in the straw, but dangerously close to running out of milk! After topping up my glass I managed to run out of straw before the milk was gone.

My second straw was more cleverly managed and I got a nice balance of flavour and no milk left over afterward, although I did discover that rate of suction really does make a difference to flavour intensity. I found the straws to be a little bulkier than I liked, but the tastiness really outweighed any issues :)

These straws are a fantastic way of having a milk drink wherever, without the hassle of carrying perishable milk around with you. It was so handy for me to take one to work, pour myself a glass of milk and drink it through a flavoured straw - voila! Flavoured milk! I was also able to give them to my son to take as part of his afternoon snack, he loved them - thought they were cool, and it was a great way of getting him away from sugar-filled juice (these straws claim only one and a half teaspoons of sugar).

I don't like Choc Mint anything normally, which is why this flavour surprised me - it was delish! Would thoroughly recommend this to even those that don't tend to like choc mint flavouring.

Value for Money
Personal Choice
black-kat   Review #1552 - Dated: 3rd of November, 2006
  Author: black-kat

Hmmmmm Choc Mint, this is one of my favourite flavours when it comes to chocolate and ice cream and I found that this was no exception. I could quite clearly taste the choc and the mint and it was a very nice mix in my opinion.

I look forward to buying more of this flavour to satisfy my choc mint cravings... Smile Icon

Value for Money
Personal Choice
wheeled thing   Review #1548 - Dated: 3rd of November, 2006
  Author: wheeled thing

As I have said about other reviews of these sipahh straws, I think they are great and have so many uses. The design of the straws is simple yet, oh so effective.

This particular flavour was not really my most fave though. It had the choc flavour I was expecting, but I couldn't really taste much mint. I may have let my thirst over reach and sucked more milk than flavouring.

It is a really sweet flavour. While I have a sweet tooth, this flavour was a little too much for me.

Value for Money
Personal Choice
vivid   Review #1543 - Dated: 3rd of November, 2006
  Author: vivid

I REALLY liked this flavour, far more than I thought I would. Once I got the flow rate sorted out the flavour came through at a really tasty level and the results were quite nice. I would not have normally thought that mint and milk would go together but they do when you add the choc.
Quick, easy and simple to use, the biggest learning trick is suck at about the same rate you would a thickshake, otherwise you end up with plain milk or flavouring beads left over at the end, and the experience isn't as good as it could be.
Well worth the wait until it appears on our shelves here in NZ, so keep your eyes open for it.

Value for Money
Personal Choice
cheekiedrakie   Review #1504 - Dated: 28th of October, 2006
  Author: cheekiedrakie

Mmmmmm yum.
ChocMint seemed like an interesting concept, but as a fan of mint-flavoured dark chocolate, I thought I would give it a go.

A Rip (of the packaging), Dip, and Sip later, I was overwelmed with a suprisingly realistic taste, incredibly similar to the chocolate blocks I so enjoy.
This is definitely in the runnning for favourite of the range. :)

Value for Money
Personal Choice
Tucker   Review #1482 - Dated: 21st of October, 2006
  Author: Tucker

Anything with 'choc' in the name will automatically appeal to me, even if only in theory. Thankfully, despite my unfortunate non-like (yet, not really a dislike) of the Caramel and Cookies and Cream flavours, I found this one to be quite pleasantly tasty and full of Vitamin Yum.

I was quite impressed at the near-total lack of anything that could be called artificial... basically, when it comes down to it, about the only un-natural thing would be the straw itself... and as I said in my review of the Chocolate flavour, the straw has many uses that could make it a worthy item to retain or recycle.

Overall, quite possibly my second favourite of the range, though I still have a few more to try, so... Wink Icon

Value for Money
Personal Choice
diogenes   Review #1479 - Dated: 21st of October, 2006
  Author: diogenes

This is certainly an interesting, novel and flavoursome product. Interesting and novel because there can be few products where you can get a jug of milk to share with friends, each grab a straw and suck - and each get a different flavour milkshake out of the jug.

The granules in the straw dissolve slowly to release the flavour - but interestingly, it seems very little colour is imparted into the milk. The milk seems to just acquire the flavour without any colours.

Trying to get the exact quantity of milk can be a little problematic - too little and you have flavour left in the straw, too much milk and you have plain milk at the end; but that is something for me to experiment with.

From my point of view, as someone who prefers a dairy-free diet, these straws worked exceedingly well with rice milk; and because the product is dairy-free and almost a hypoallergenic formula I would have no hesitation in recommending these products to both people with allergies and to the vegetarian and vegan societies as a treat for their kids or themselves. I tried this product with rice milk only, believing soy milk to have a taste that would mask the taste of the product.

A simple, clever product and a devious way to get milk into your kids in a way they will enjoy.

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Printed at 05:38:13pm on Sunday 02nd June 2024