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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Books > Activities / Crafts > Ghoulish Get-Ups: How to Create Your Own Freaky Costumes
  ProdID: 5756 - Ghoulish Get-Ups: How to Create Your Own Freaky CostumesBrand / Author:Fifi Colston Product Score: 8.5 
Ghoulish Get-Ups: How to Create Your Own Freaky Costumes

Price : $19.00
Supplier :
Available : September 2014

This will be the go-to book for busy people faced with the dilemma of having to come up with a costume at short notice. From quick ideas involving just a baggy Teeshirt and nine nifty outfits, to delightfully gross ideas involving bubble wrap and yoghurt, this how-to handbook is a lifesaver. Materials for costumes are raided from the pantry or the recycling.
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samantha203   Review #12623 - Dated: 13th of October, 2014
  Author: samantha203

This book has come at the right time for my 12 year old daughter as they are just getting into their wearable arts projects at school, being an intermediate class they come up with most of their ideas by themselves and she has also been looking at Wearable Wonders also from Fifi Colston for inspiration so I thought this book would come in handy for some make up ideas for her also.

The book is really great and has some great ideas for the young budding special effects make up artist. The good thing about the book is it encourages you to use recycled objects not a whole lot of store bought products meaning you can get your children stuck into activities around home that aren't going to cost you anything to make. We did a couple of projects in the holidays and we had all the materials at home.

The first couple of things we made were fake blood and slime. The book gives a recipe for a cornflour base mixture that you can add green paint to to make slime or red paint to for blood. We decided to split our mixture and make a bit of both. This worked quite well with the cornflour it was quite gloopy which was lots of fun. It said to had a bit of soy sauce to the fake blood to make the red deeper which worried me that we would end up with smelly soy sauce on our skin but it wasn't too bad lol.

There are some pre made costume ideas for inspiration but it really does focus on using your own imagination and the materials you have to make your own with ideas of things you can use. We loved the bubble wrap warts idea with the way you could make them pop it would be really effective and sure to gross a few people out, also again a really cheap easy thing to do which would be really effective. We do plan to use band aids to make stitched up gashes to shock Dad with as this is something that would be really easy to do.

I have to say another great book from Fifi Colston that is right up there with Wearable Wonders these books are great and lots of fun to have for creative projects both at home and at school.

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Fayth   Review #12619 - Dated: 13th of October, 2014
  Author: Fayth

Halloween doesn't seem to be as popular as it used to be though I guess it depends on how you're brought up or what area you live in. Even though we don't celebrate it, my son still loves the idea of dressing up which is where this book comes in handy. There are lots of cool ideas from zombies and witches to steampunk and robots.

The book shows you how to make things from scratch using readily accessible items that you probably wouldn't look twice at - milk bottles, egg cartons, paper bags and various pantry items, etc. There are even a couple of recipes for Halloween themed food as well as fake blood, warts and bursting boils - definitely not for the faint hearted but useful if you're planning a Halloween party and there are lots of pictures and information detailing specific steps.

The book has lots of great costume ideas and I can see myself using it outside of Halloween as well. I always struggle when book week rolls around at my son's school but this book is full of easy ideas for headgear, different noses, claws, ears and using recyclables to do it.

This book would definitely come in handy if you or your kids attend a lot of fancy dress parties and it's a good book to have on hand if you need a costume in a hurry.

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Printed at 06:14:33pm on Sunday 02nd June 2024