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  ProdID: 3928 - SpaceType of Show: Documentary Series Product Score: 8.8 

Price : $12.99
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Available : on DVD

Look up at the stars and you see a million points of light - you're looking at the entire universe. But what is out there? Let Sam Neill take you on the ultimate journey into deep SPACE to find out.

    •  Star Stuff - Where did we all come from? Star Stuff explores the origins of life on planet Earth and comes to the surprising conclusion that we all may be aliens...
    •  Staying Alive - Sam Neill voyages into space in search of the cosmic killers which could threaten our very existence - comets and asteroids.
    •  Black Holes - An exploration of the strange and terrifying world of the universe's ultimate monster - the black hole. More of them are being discovered al the time, but where are they - and is our planet in danger?
    •  Are we alone? - A journey through the cosmos in search of alien life. We seek out planets around distant stars and dive into the oceans of other worlds - seeking an answer to the question: is anybody out there?
    •  New Worlds - Sam Neill explores humanity's long-term future - a future where we make new homes for ourselves on other worlds as we flee from the slow but inevitable death of our sun.
    •  Boldly Go - Will we ever see the wonders of space for ourselves? Sam Neill goes in search of the technologies which may one day take our children's children to the stars.
Actors / Animation
Personal Choice
kymmage   Review #8082 - Dated: 25th of April, 2013
  Author: kymmage

This was one of the first DVDs we ever bought. Back in the day when we were adamant that we would not buy any DVD that we didn't truly want to own and immortalise on disc forever. This DVD has a lot going for it. Firstly, its a documentary series about space, produced by the BBC. That means it is a high quality production, and there is going to be 6 excellent episodes. Heck I just love the Beeb, so anything they produce I seek out and enjoy.

Secondly its hosted by Sam Neill. He is the ultimate Kiwi presenter, still famous enough to host this and not feel like a tall poppy. As a film student I was exposed to quite a bit of his work over the years, and this series is better for his narrative. He gets into it, and seems to be very interested in the topic. That helps carry the information as well.

My only negative would be that there is a bit of scare-mongering in the subject matter. However, I think there is enough unknown and just enough known about space to do that. Every other thing I have ever watched about space kinda covers the basics and then launches right into asteroid attacks and stars including our sun dying. So this was no different. I liked the way it was dealt with though, giving you a sense of hope for humanity and our journey continuing into the stars.

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